Monday, November 3, 2008

What word would you use?

I went into Brainerd today since I had some appointments and decided to go grab some lunch before heading back to school. There was a bit of traffic, but at one 4 way stop I couldn't help but notice this unusual car. I totally wanted my camera but it was in the trunk. But when I saw it again 6 hours later I figured it was fate. You see it was quite the station wagon. You don't see alot of station wagons any more. I'd still have to say this one was different from any other I think I've ever seen. The reason was because it was covered with brown astroturf. Humm...quite a few adjectives went through my mind when I saw it and when it came to writing this blog, I came up with quite a few more adjectives. I'll leave it at that and ask--what adjective would you use?

1 comment:

Goamick said...

I have seen this car as well and have been dismayed to never have my camera with me, I am so glad you captured a pic of it! I would call it ....brown-scubby, scratchy car?