Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hope and Fear

Two major adjectives have been used to sum up Decision '08--hope and fear.

As I said yesterday, one of the analysts said that the results showed that Americans voted for hope. As I read my friend's status bars today many of them had comments that used the term "hopeful". Even as I went about my business today I felt a renewed sense of spirit. As I ran, I felt this sense of hope for not only our country but for the world. The purpose of my blogs here were supposed to include a photo that would capture that which I was writing about. I knew right away that I wanted to write about hope. But how do I capture that? Is there a right way to capture it? Would I capture it the way you would? I do a very similar exercise in my class and it's been so interesting to see the varied responses to how different individuals capture the same 4 terms. I only had one and I was struggling. And then it donned on me. I had had my camera out documenting the "I voted on Election Day" tally on facebook grow and grow all day yesterday. When the election results were coming in it was about ready to turn to 5 million so I had my camera in hand. At 10:00 the televesion stations declared the victory to Barack Obama. Out of instinct I snapped that photo knowing what a significant moment it was. That photo, that snapshot captured for me the sense of hope that flooded over me. So that is how I would capture what I was thinking about today. Hope won out. It won out over fear.

So what represents hope to you? How about fear? Compare and contrast what these terms LOOK like by going to the following website and following my directions below:
1) Go to the following web address:
2) In the "Enter Initial Tag" dialogue box type the word "hope" (do not use the quotation marks)
3) Hit the "GO" button
4) Click on the revolving planet
5) Explore the world you just created. It revolves and turns.
6) Take special note of what catches your eye. Click on the items that capture your attention and read the extra notes that may be provided.
7) Spend some time here and think about what you're feeling in response to what you're seeing.

8) Then go to the same web address and type in the word "fear" (again, do not include the quotation marks)
9) Repeat steps 3-7 for your new world

R: 3.3 miles W .3

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