Saturday, February 27, 2010

rsp Conference: Merlot

Merlot: Teaching and Learning in a Networked World
Gary Sorenson, Northwest Technical College Bemidji State University

Merlot: Blazing the Trail and Meeting New Challenges in the Digital Age

Free Resource designed for faculty and learners/students of higher education
Learning Resources to make you a better teaacher, learner and business professional

Free membership

Aug 5-10 in CA Merlot Conference

Friday, February 26, 2010

RSP -The Good, the Bad, the Ugly...Fostering Creativity in the Classroom

Presentation by Jake Jacobson MCTC

What three principle ingredients do you feel make for a great (creative) XXX Please expand and explore your three points.

No guidance/contraint/rubric
manipulating, organizing, pruning and filtering
Forging connections: prioritization, judging, and the connecting
Aduction & Synthesis logical process and the cogninitive theory of sense-making

How do we know it's good. How do we measure?

Collectively design, develop and agree on rubric

Give up authority over the group's rubric

Have them each "find examples" then they view each other's finds, select top 3 examples.

I like my job so -- keep it appropriate

Linda Russel--maybe check with her about possibility of using D2L tool for student development of rubrics


wikis/google docs

contact Jake for handouts
Integrated Career Decision-Making Tools and Information-Shelia Cunningham McComb and Denise Felder

How to write a Resume and Cover Letter:

Sign up for newsletter. (quaterly)


RSP 2010-Keynote Speaker, Linda Baer

Notes from Presentation, "Reimagining Higher Education for Student Success" by Linda Baer. Presented at the RSP Conference 2010, February 26.
(Power points slides can be found at:

What would things look like if you could have your class look like you wanted it?

"We are educating for careers that have not been created, using technology not yet invented to solve problems that haven't been discovered" Youtube video "SHIFT HAPPENS"-2009

Teach students to LOVE LEARNING

Redining the metrics of excellence for higher education

Transformation (see the heart of the enterprise--the aha moment)

Drivers of the call for transformative change:
*More at risk students
*achievement gap in performance
*flat persistence and graduation rates
*costs of remedial and devt ed
*Increasing demand for accountability

High growth of African American (to 24%), Asian (34%), Latino(28%) , Native American by 2020

Reading Scores, Math Scores--gaps between African American and Caucasian
Very significan gaps
Gaps between who particpates where across education system (open door policy brings in more)

Remediation continues to be an issue (why don't students come to us more prepared)

Growing the Investment in Serving Students
historically, higher ed was elitiest survival of the fittest

"Access without success is a REAL problem" As more and more people can in our doors we have to be more prepared, more innovation, more successful

Building Successful Action Analytics:
we need to learn from our learners
we need to elarn from our faculty
we need to learn from our business experts
we need to incest in what we know works

Detailed final projects reports for 2,291 Awards of Excellence (found linked through the CTL site)

Learning Communities

"YES YOU CAN BE SUCCESSUL!"--an important value to help students learn.

Pairing up the ESL course and general ed classes (even having two instructors in the same class)


Status quo keeps us marching along when we need to {fly} :)

Share best practices--build collaborations and relationships (colleagues, campus/community, other educational systems, B & I, world)

We need new models--ones that allow us (us all) to be successful

President Obama by 2020 we will have highest percentage of graduates.

"Evidence gives you an argument for action. When you have it, you know what works and what doesn't. When you don't you have no path for improvement"

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

"If we don't do something what will happen"

d2l to better reflect outcomes

Longitudinal date system to track course patterns (what did the HS student take in HS and what in colllege, how successful were they?)

SIGNALS--project of Purdue University (red light, yellow light, green light "signals")
Customize, create a report, take action at milestones

Capella University--"First week determines everything" They can predict from the "first Friday evening" (predicts: grades, withdrawals, early drops)

Too expensive for us not to invest in the things that will help us (us all) be successful!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

eLearning Conference--"Virtually Being There: Strategies for Designing and Faciliatating Effective Online Group Projects"

Carolyn N Steveneson, Professor Communications Department Kaplan University

Organizing Virtual Teams
Project Design (instructor really has to develop a project that allows for professional collaboration experiences which needs to be well designed)
*Communication (systems need to be established that encourage ideas, questions, and concerns to be directed to the team members and the instructor)
*Virtual team member roles (organized around a set of team roles and responsibilities, roles need to be created that address both the talent and interest of the team members)
*Clear instructions for students
*Instructor Training

(students take ownership by coming up with their own name and set up their own schedules and participate)


think about the limitations of your platform

HAS to be asynchronous

When you have a leader, let them be a leader

You really have to have the role very specifically outlined with job responsibilities

Connect it to the real world

Takes alot of work on the front end (continually needs revising)

Anxiety is high for students coming into working in teams or small group. You will have various levels of engagement, so talk about it up front

Talk about grading (rubric really helps ease anxiety) with participation element

Help students know they will not be penalized for lack of another groupmembers participation

Retention can be an issue --so design guidelines to address that

Equal distribution of work--so make sure tasks are delegated. Split up the project.

Knowing what the challenges were the first time helps improve the assignment the second time around

TRUST is key--must be built (might be easier said than done)


Reinforce that they are learning LEADERSHIP skills (it's in their workplace, in their lives already so help make the connection more obvious for them)

Right to "fire" a team member and what are the steps to follow when you discover someone is not doing their task/work

Try to design a project where projects can be completed without necessarily needed all of the team members? (sections of a manual--if one section isn't there the manual can still be submitted)

Try to make project meaningful for them so there's more buy-in

(Yahoo groups)

(Survivor references--don't want to be leader too early)

Participation expectation. If you don't participate you have to do a different project in which you have to fulfill ALL pieces of the group projects. Whenever you STOP participating you get pulled from the group and are defined as being on your own project. The thought of having to do the ENTIRE project helps keep them involving.

eLearning Conference - "How Do Ya Work This Thang?"

Presentation Notes from Michael Amick-CLC

Emerging Digital Tech Certificate at CLC
16 credits (qualifies for financial aid)
All count towards AA degree (Associate of Arts)
All transfer as part of the mntransfer curriculum as part of AA

Helps students build personal skills as well as professional skills (might help in employment seeking)

One required course:
Survey of Web Applications (whirl-wind tour of web 2.0 tools--basic foundation
Social networking
Virtual technologies
Voice and Video
Creation and design
Career and Jobs
Wiki, blogs, podcasts,
spam, phishing, issues etc

There 13 credits from at least 2 different disciplines. Options:
1. There is a computer basics application (basic computer skills) that they can take first if needed
2. Then there is an advanced computer applications course (latest versions--Microsoft office 2010)
3. Software Evaluation
4. Immersive Worlds (Second Lives and Avatars) But must be 18 years or older
5. Cyber Ethics (Or "If Aristotle had a Laptop") (Ties into Nancy's presentation comment about the "GoldenRule of Tweeting: Tweet unto others as you'd have them tweet on to you") impact in the digital world
6.Digital Photography (Flickr, Photo Essay)
7. Online Social Netwoking--explore evaluate communication choices for pupose, appropriateness, and effectiveness of message development.
8. Youtube as a stage (videos that show elements of theatre production and performance, produce videos videos showing theatrical elements and techniques)

Need to check out:
photo cc turtlemom4bacon flickr
Students seem very engaged in these courses that have active learning built right in.

PS I metafacebooked in this session--welcome to the new e-existence of communication!

Monday, February 22, 2010

eLearning Conference- Creatively Combining Technologies for a Succesful Online Course

Sue Quast, Media Production manager
Angela M. Lohr, Professor of Humanities
Portland Community College

How to bring our heart and our perspectives to our online courses in a way that blends the technologies and meets our needs and student needs?

Why do we design?
*to be organized
*to be successful
*to be personal
*other practical reasons
So enjoy what you do along with the other pragmatic reasons

What do we want?
* want to work
* want it to be engaging
*easy to use

How do we get there?
Pedagogical Philosophies that guide design
*Course design as a form or art, expression, creativity
*Designing in a way that is fluid, elemental, unimpeded
*Sharing yourself to build community
*Engaged teaching that comes from the heart (if you don't care what you're doing it will translate into your classes and there's no technology that will help or creat it for you)
(Build in those idiosynconies? humaness of you the instructor as it it evident in face-to-face but often ignored or missing in the online. Want students to feel connected. Add those personal elements)

As educators, we are ethically obligated to keep ourselves current and vested in the dynamics of our craft. Don't want to stagnate. Don't be afraid to try something new

Tools in the Faculty Bag O'Tricks
*Elluminate (virtual office hours)
*Mobile Devices (responding to students)
*Surveymonkey (risk-free feedback)
*Mediasite (lecture possibilities)

Don't be hesitant to try something new but you can make sure you use a survey function to check to see how successful it is. Involve them in the feedback and they may feel more vested.

Having a basic picture so students can identify a PERSON behind the class--hard to build a community without people so it starts with that at the beginning.

(FROM TWEET FEED:No one knows how much you know until they know how much they care )

Notes from Active-Learning:
Graphics--banners Micromedia Fireworks (part of studio suite, dreamweaver, google graphics/sound bites) Cartoons, photos, banners, videos, soundfiles (hear earthquake), Wimba, Windows Live Messenger, (See and Hear a ripwave), playlists, flipvideo (public, free cartoon program, can choose camera angles, just type in text, can add basic behaviors/gestures)

Group suggestions:
Keep it simple
Keep it short (for sure less than 15 minutes)
Minimize reading
Add humor
Don't get too gimmicky

eLearning Conference

Professor Rohnda Ficek, Ph.D. MSUM
Cell: 701-866-3937


Learning Objectives

Radio James Objectives Builder (with Verbs and Blooms Knowledge Level)

Can import (for skorm) into D2l

Adobe Acrobat:pdf portfolios
Integrates multiple files into a single pdf
files can be in various...

"Create a pdf portfolio (from Adobe Acrobat Pro) then can just drag and drop files from another window or add whole folder
Even converted mv3 to flash and pdf

Respondus for quizzes because it goes with any LMS (keeps it protected for you and your future)
And corresponding STUDYMATE for learning games and other tools
has some nice features (like online course authoring)
But the interface is very very busy

eLearning Conference- "Folks Using Folksonomy, Digital Galleries and More"

Cheryl Chapman, Faculty and Instructional Designer, and Dan Jones, Executive Dean of Innovation and Learning Technology, Coastline College

Learnig Technology & Innovation Departments:
eLearning Research & Development
Instructional Design & Faculty Support
Electron Media & Publishing
Video & Telecourse Production

Mini-Grants ($1000) (write about it, talk about, share about it)
Second Life/Virtual Worlds
Rapid prototyping--Interactive learning applets/simulations (Reptivity)
Vod/Pod Casting (Captivate)
Lecture Capture (Illuminate Live)
Social Networks

Folksonomy = Folk + Taxonmy
*Folks-Done by People
*Taxonomy-Classification of item into groups

Folksonomy=Collective Tagging=Social Tagging=Social Indexing=Collaborative Tagging

Folksonomy is a characteristic of web 2.0
Folksonomy became popular in 2004

Taxonomy vs Folksonomy
Control vs Open
Top-down vs Bottom up
Arduous process vs just do it
accurate vs good enough
restrictive vs flexible
static vs evlving
expensive to maintain vs low cost user development

1.Amount of information growing rapidly (people are taking more photos, videos, etc.)
2. Scientific publications (journals and paten sources) are becoming more complex and diccicult to locate via reg searches
3. experts are not always availble (or willing) for categorizing scientific date
4. Human generated tags add reliability to databases/search engines
5. Uses categorize this information anyway

1. Simple no formal classification system
2. Lower cost
3. open ended
4. Relevant

Go Pub med

Text Voice and Video
FREE or $99 per year for upgraded version

"Can use voice as easy as you use your phone" because you can have the system "call" you to input voice recording

Can have different identities (so can use separately for separate classes)

Can administer users, can set them into groups

Share (embed or link)

Commenters appear around the picture and then by rolling cursor over commenter than you see (or hear their comment).

Other options?
Viddler? (another site that allows you to comment on videos)

Pano an ap on the iphone that allows you to stitch photos together to get a panoramic picture

Might be able to use these tools for analyzing "tutorials videos" for effectiveness. What did you think was effective what was not and why?

Comments outside of one creating "settings" can be volatile by other users. Some features are protected.

(FROM TWEET: look up Wimba and Pronto)
(FROM TWEET: Online facilitation is a bit like yoga. A practice. Something that changes every time you do it. Must be present)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

eLearning Conference

Screencasting Presentation by Steve Anderson, USC Sumter

Jing--free or very inexpensive
SnagIt--inexpensive ($40 with Educational Discount)
Camtasia--$200 Educational Discount
Screencast--free or inexpensive $100 year

Camtasia Studio Production Wzard asks how do you want to "produce" the video you've been working on. Can send it to (one of the options) right up. 2 G band width

640 X 480 is a nice medium size
Be careful of transitions because they take up big bandwidth (so use sparingly and wisely)

Make a website out of it (made html file, flash file, swf, javascript automatically) just click and test it

have it open with html so it opens with window (or in a new window)

Jing does not make the html page. It makes the mv4 video



eLearning Conference

Maria Andersen presentation "Teaching & Learning in the Digital Age"


Hypothetical Prediction that before too long students coming with embedded memory chips?

How do we learn?

Discussing with others
Experienced it firsthand
Experimenting/Play Trial & Error
Creating Something

Acronymn Have PRIDE in what you TEACH

Embrace learning in ALL its forms.

What's important about what we teach--how to LEARN. (Could use the list 5 learning moments you've recently had. How did you learn it?)

Just a couple of items (branches) under Maria's Map:
Equipped for the Future
Partnership for 21st Century Skills

"Tweet this" Twitter teaches you to be precise (vocabulary) conscise

Chatzy--live chatroom

Prezi presentation tool (like powerpoint but not linear)



Interdisciplinary Learning Communities

eLearning Conference- Social Networking for Beginners

Mathew Evins, Instructional Designer, San Jacinto College

Web 1.0-pretty much author giving author out and not engaging or being interactive with
static pages
forms sent via email (listservs)
online guestbooks
one-way information

"Web 2.0" was coined really before web 1.0 (interactive, community-building)
descirbes the changes trends in www
dynamic pages
multi-way information

Why do People Use Social Networks?
Personal Reasons (keep in touch with distant friends)
Professional (share ideas with colleagues, look for jobs)
(Linkd-In has 90 % of users looking for jobs)

Centralized place for sharing variety of ideas and resources

Social networks can archive information from all users

Each network serves it's own purpose and each user uses their network in a different way

Social Network Users
*Started in high schools (myspace) like a public diary on the web
*Facebook started with the college student which then opened up
Young Professionals
*Connect with others with similar interests
*check in/monitor their kids

Social Media-"a tool that engages users..."

Social Network--"a conglomeration of social media, social tools into..."

"a website that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer"
Can be open to the public or kept private
Searchable, if desired
subscribe to other's blogs and be updated when they post
Readers can comment on postings
(Word Press, LiveJournal, Blogger)

Blogs in Education
reflection on articles
journal of activities while studying abroad
Perspectives on content
Creative examples for research and assignments

"a page or collections of web pages desinged to enable anyone who accesses it to contribute or modify content"
*collaborative website
different people can have different privileges
(wikispaces, pbwiki/pbworks) (look for free educator--tools)

Most popular wiki
2.7 million articles in English
Articles in over 260 languages

Wikis in Education
*collaborative work on a group project
*Teacher makes corrections to a draft assignment before the final is truned in

*form of microblogging in 140 characters
*a service for friends, family, and cor-workers, to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequetn answers to one simple question "what are you doing?"
*But can also be an archive or documentation of event or time period done with hashtags
*public or private messages
*can be integrated with facebook, blogs, social bookmarking, rss, etc. depending on how you want to use it
*must subscribe to follow others (and they to follow you)
*140 characters to allow for your username (160 is max so 140 takes that into account)

Backchanneling in class with pre-identified hashtag (can go through a filter that is posted on screen) way for instructor to gauge how students are responding to information

Common Craft "In Plain English series" Awesome--go to youtube to find them

Social Bookmarking (almost identical to bookmarking it on your computer)
*However, can access from any computer
*can tag with keywords
*ability to share information with others
*You can see how popular sites are by how many people are
*creates a sense of community
*can put a button to toolbar automatically add to your delicious account
(Delicious, Digg)

*RSS "really simple sydication"
*pulls information from websites and aggregates them into a central location
*available on most news websiets, blogs, wikis, etc.
*keeps you from having to go to 20 different sites to get what's new.

In Education:
Their work comes to you.
Can categorize (news, classes,)

Social networks

request to be friends
plan events
address book
have sub-groups (people who have common interests, local or global with discussion boards to upload videos)
Post updates
Tag people in videos and photos
post photos/videos/notes
birthday notifications
private and public messages

Third party applications
companies can create apps for their employees
all apps are free
fb tests all of the apps to ensure that they do not contain viruses
not all apps work

MySpace (oldest version)
uploaded photos/videos/blog
request to be friends
private and public messages
address book
customizable profile
full of ads

network to connect with professionals from simiar regions or in like fields
30 million users plus
job searches

Ning (completely isolated)
Similar features to facebook
privacy settings
network for creators/admins to collaborate

"Very easy for students to get distracted with facebook" (because of the apps) So Ning could be good for education.
Ning good if you have a specific purpose

Learning Town a Village for Learning Professionals
Central social networking interface
social networking operating system
real-time communication whle sharing videos, etc.
launched 2/8/10
realtime communication while in there from other sites/tools
catch all for social media (reader)

Honeycomb Map:
all around identity

Handout of free websites--still like that hard copy!

eLearning Conference-Taming the Tornado

Presentation by Todd McCann English Instructor Bay College

Where do you "live"?
*Desktop (wood or electronic)
*Cell phone/Smart phone
(They don't live on paper)


remember the milk--it is a To-Do List program or to send SMS (text message reminder) can connect to iphone. igoogle gadget (can be be added) has gps mapping function too

Google calendar

iphone aps sync to google calendar

Could set reminders (alerts) for students (email, pop-up, textmessage) on iphone

Broadtexter--mobile club
Students can sign up to receive textbook reminders

My Dropbox ( 2 G storage free. Reduces need for carrying flashdrives. Helps sync machines to the cloud

Evernote (and evernote ap for phone) Can leave a note by text, snapshot, camera shot or VOICE


Auto Text (MS Word) and TExtExpander (Mac) by typing a code which inserts common feedback into email or student papers

ReQall (phone ap?) talk into it and it records in text?

Dial2Do (phone number you can call so do a series of tasks like read you the headlines of new york times, send a text message, record)

Siri (iphone ap) restaurants, movies, events, local businesses, taxis, allows you to find places (can also send voice reminders or book a taxi)

Google Voice (can set up a number that then can get redirected to whatever number you want so you don't have to give out your personal number) Can have incoming voice message come in as a text message to your preferred site) Transcription can be ify but still nice not to have to give out personal number. Can set time restrictions and customize it to fit your schedule that day.

Ribbit iphone app messages takes phone email and transcribes it

Poll Everywhere (30 responses) as many questions as you'd like but only accepts 30 responses

eLearning Conference--Featured Presentation "For Who Hath Despised the Day of Small Things"

Jim Groom, Instructional Technologist, University of Mary Washington

"Students lives are somewhere else." "They have digital lives before and will have after the attend class"

Examples of using free tools/open resource in schools:
NC State on Twitter

Khan University (using Youtube)

MOC (Massive Online Course) aggregated, blog, write "Commune"

RSS Syndication-Oriented Architecture (Feed-Frenzied Learning) Seamless Sharing

Sitewide Tag Pages Plugin (FeedWordPress Plugin) Allows do work in own space, pulls into course blog (Blog in own space--aggregating with tag and then it comes to determined site to (

Currator function in flickr (project where they pulled pictures of flowers used by ??HD in poems)

Zach Whalen uses droggle?

UMW Blogs is first and foremost an educational publishing platform

Follow conference on Twitter: #ITC10

"Triangulating learning in and out of the course classroom/institution/world"

Electronic Portfolios through UMW Sites: Department Sites, Professional Sites, Student sites, Student Portfolios, Club ands Organizations, Presentations

"Universities need new ways of sharing"

"Domain one's own" based off of Virgina Wolf's "A Room of One's Own" The work you do in your own space, you'll take pride in and have respect for, a sense of consitancy" (And can keep moving out to continue transformation)

Prof. Jeff McClurken's Mapped Domain (project based class) His information is like blog within blog. History 101 under Jeff History 102 under same .org

Buy a domain for a dollar? Worked a deal for $10 a month for 4 months

Then you can have that go with you. "LIFE LONG LEARNING"

"If you dream it or will it, it is no dream"

Bring it back to the community--alumni. How do you know what they are doing after they leave?

Digital Storytelling--Jim Groom (Student doing the Lost "Extra" story) . (suggest that he continue the writing of the story after it ends)

He starts with what get a space. Remember your space reflects YOU. Do what the web was made to do, get obsessed about something and the DO (and reflect).

A resource that isn't going to "DIE" after 15 weeks. Makes you think about pedagogy and course differently.

"We don’t need to own and control their data. What we need to do is to manage the flow as it comes into our space and leaves"

"Generative Effect of Sharing"

"Crazy Google Juice" Power in community

Word Press Multi User

"Reimagine Collaboration"

"Mobile-Revolution Preparedness"

We can Do without having to be a programer because we AREN'T

"We're at a moment in history where we can reimagine relationships"

Depends on each of us to work together to "reimagine eduction".

Will stream presentation and acces through ITC site.

Network effects. We have power. Remain excited.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

eLearning Conference--Opening: Late Night Learning LIVE

Key Note Presentation by John Krutsch, Sr. Director Instructional Design, Development and Delivery, and Jared Stein, Director Instructional Design Services--Utah Valey University. and Marc Hugentobler

Cheating Rubric

Journal of Interactive Online Learning

PLN personal learning network
PLE personal learning environment

Debate: more multitasking the less likely to do deeper reflecting

David Wiley, Jon Mott

"Center of gravity around what the instructor {assigns} not what the student does"

Part of being a life-learner is learning to analyze the web 2.0 tools (and communicating and sharing information through the tools)

"Escape from the confines of the LMS"

Diego Leal Consultant with the Ministry of Education, Columbia taught a course using Open Resource Class (no LMS)

7 Signs of academic zombification:
apathy, no creativy
decaying bodies of teaching and learning
simple over complex
appetite for standardized assessment
decisions based on fear
mindless conformance
aggressiveness toward non-zombies

Friday, February 19, 2010

I Have a Dream Speech via Wordle

Here is the link to a wordle compilation created using Martin Luther King, Jr.'s famous speech, "I HAVE A DREAM". His speech as delivered on August 28th 1963, at the Lincoln Memorial, in Washington D.C.

Wordle compiles all of the words used and duplicated words "grow" in size. The larger the word the more times it was used.

What word stands out as having been used the most in his famous speech?

Wordle: I Have a Dream

Credit to:

Wednesday, February 17, 2010