Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Barry Dahl-Work in the Cloud

ITC eLearning 2011 "Operate in the Cloud--A Dozen Great Tools with a Single Login"

HANDOUT will be barrydahl.com
Resources tab


Note to Kari: Mark Workman-presentation (might want to get handouts)

Can do so much more than google docs

Best online word processor, spreadsheet, Web form creator and databse, poll creator, wiki, live Webinar space, calendar, mobile devices and more

Zoho.com (one account)

Collaboration apps, business apps, productivity Apps,

Zoho documents

Can do private, group, or public share (documents do not have to be on web)
If you want it on the web--"Webify it!"

No doc or docx

http://m.zoho.com/ access your docs on your mobile devices

Even offline when you have no connection MS Office plug-in

Zohowriter (published document)
Zoho Sheet (embedded spreadsheet
Zoho Creator (published webform)
Notebook (published

Desire2Blog (Barry's blog) he uses alot of zoho features in his blog

Tweet This! Social Networking in Higher Education (look for this presentation or get from Audrey)

Excellence in Education (Barry's new business)

Mail tool

Can log in with facebook account, twitter account, google, or follow their news

Dashboard tool

Can go from ap to ap -- one click access to many things

Zoho calendar can sync with others (like google calendar)
can color code separate calendars or see them separately

One click access to all type of document

To do list (like remember the milk)

PLE (personal learning environment on Barry's blog) Many downloads are also available on his blog

similar to google docs, or word, but "a whole lot better"
Can share

If you save documents live on the web then you save steps when you change something because you're not changing it and re-uploading, etc.

Spreadsheet in excel is still very good

macros available
pivot table

Zoho Show (a bit "wanky")

Slideshare is his recommendation

Project Management (can do one at a time, more than that and you pay)

Zoho Creator
drag and drop
Form generator

Zoho Notebook
Can add audio and video (can upload or record right in program)
Great for homepage "presence"
Maximum is probably 5 minutes

JING or Camptasia (screen capture)

Mingleverse (can join a private room by sending out the link on twitter)

What's NEXT? Creating a next gen classroom

Audrey Williams, Pellissippi State
Howard Beattie, Holland College

Looking at the classroom--hard classroom and soft classroom
Actual classroom hasn't changed too much over last 100- 200 years
What should come next?

Teacher and students wrote on slates (early 1800's we put them on the wall) Now we have the whiteboard (teacher has all the knowledge)

What about student created content. White board paint.

Put in compature chairs. Write-angle desk (can move around, are designed for computers and cords) Found with new room students still sit in "their" same spot

Look at lighting, speakers

Doceri (?) will work with ipad

Buy livescribe pens for all students (adminstrators, faculty, some support--give them to admin first for buy-in, because they see the benefits)


Customized task bars which can be downloaded by students (even at home) with personalized bookmarks for resources
Listed under major categories like "create"and share "collaborate" "resources"

Many instructors are still teaching in traditional mode.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Incorporating Active Learning Into an Onlne Environment using Free Internet Tools

Yvette Espinosa, Biology Instructor, South Mountain Community College

Prezi - good for student presentation. Housed online so anyone can have access (as long as you have it set that way)

Teacher Centered-
Lecture format
Curriculum based
low level of student choice
student is passive
power is with teacher

Learner Centered
appeal to many learning syltes
Active Learning
more choice
power with student
Significant Learning Experiences

Instructional Methods

Places to start
You want interaction with the teacher, the material and their peers

Five active learning techniques:
1. Socratic Questioning
Add question in presentation--telling students where to go to answer
easy to edit
Google chat
Can fascilitate chat with only a google log in
(set up groups)

2. Classroom Assessment Technique (CAT)
clickr poll
muddiest point
uses tags to show story
have them pull up 3 specific words and have students define why that photo fits those words
low effort way to assess where they are
can incorporate audio or visual

3. Office Hours
skype (online web conferencing--name is a becomming more common)
VRoom free web conferencing (doesn't hold a lot of people) doesn't record

4. Round Robin
Turn taking discussion
Facebook Group

5. Review Sessions
Gives students feedback
Helps them prepare
Survey Monkey
Teacher or Students set up survey
screen capture program
Create tutorials with audio

Other tools:

Poll EveryWhere Can set up a question and students answer with cellphones instant results
Quia Can have students set up assessments (ie right up test questions)
4Teachers (surveys or assessments, variety of tools)
Poll Daddy
Cover It Live (instant feedback)

Mapping tools
ReadThink Write Suite of Tools
WordFramAlpha (good one for math, history, culture) Builds concept maps for students
Symbols help to communicate ideas

Virtual Worlds and Avatars
Second Life
Role Playing and animation

1. Blogging tools
Blogs for Teaachers
2. Storytelling Tools
CamStudio (Streaming Video)

Case Studies

Glogster (collages) Scrapbooking
Think, Pair, Share
Google Sidewiki (housing) or house at google doc (they can edit each other's document)
Prezi presentation program
4Square (Downloadable app) to see where each other is at and/or set up a meeting
Cooperative Learning
Group Projects
iSpring (nice for setting up powerpoints and converting them to flash) does well with audio and animation
Digital Dropbox (can pass things back and forth, but housed online) good for large files with don't go through email
Zotero collect citations and research (good for group projects)

Faculty Survival Tools

Elizabeth McMahon, Northland CTC

Tools that save time
always available
easy to use
sync automatically across multiple computers and/or smart phone
Come highly recommended
Free (or mostly free)

Time management tools
Google calendar (can share things too) www.google.com/calendar
Can send reminders
Can color code course schedules and share with students

meetings and scheduling resource
Can tie to google calendar

Timetrade (not free)
does connect to google calendar
online office hours and sets up apt to speak with the instructor (with apt availability)
Able to leave details provide up front information
gives them a "receipt"
She uses for faculty and student apts
$30 a year

with firefox browser (add on browser)
makes your browser save all of the sites you want it to (saves as visual pages--like mac disply)
lets up tab fast through what you have open

Other Time Savers
Intelligent Agents (in D2L) (under tool options)
Automatic Email personalized to the student
Can set up different criteria (I see you did well on your quiz--kudos and keep up the good work. or I see you didn't do as well on your quiz as I was hoping, don't forget there are practice quizzes available.)

Google Voice
Google option to leave message to a different number
Can call from cell phone without it registering as your personal number

Task Management Tools
Remember the Milk
To do list
reminder notices
integrates with google calendar
set up in lists
add tasks from email
Blog every Tuesday with tips and tools of that program

Information Management Tools
backup of files
keeps files synced across computers
2G free (can buy more) If you refer others to site you get more space free
drag and drop feature to online files (then accessible on any online computer)
Can have public and private online storage

Notes. Really, really smart notes
Can send reminders
Can be synced across multiple sites

Similar to springpad
Save webpage, whole webpage
Capture and organize

Google docs

create a form (ie Student information Form)
creates certificates
(has a behind the scenes spreadsheet so creator can see bigger picture in spreadsheet)
gives you an URL to access information



Featured Presentation: Alan Levine, "Looking Through the Lens"

Alan Levine, Chief Execute Officer of New Media Consortium

@cogdog and CogDog Blog

"Do you have a mobile phone? You're a photographer"

A professional gets paid for their photography

Alan's view is that a photographer takes photos and the photos show "I exist"



photo manipulation to "frame" or "focus" attention use apeture

shutter speed to make photos unobtrusive

Look at the world differently--heightens attention

"With a little bit of thinking you can get so much more"

"change the angle you can get a whole new story"

Photos can make you want to know more--I want to know the story

Photos can capture "the truth"

"Photos can make you want to know more!" "I want to know the story" (behind that photo).

DIY- Do it Yourself Maybe in the future learning will be DIY (Works great if you know what you want to learn--Kari: like when I looked on youtube for making an omplette.)

PROJECT 365 photos on flickr

The Daily Shoot--challenges Total informal learning. Assignment comes on Twitter with hashtag for aggregator. Need to do it do it do it.

I like the metaphor of "tone". Sepia, color, etc. Kari's question: How do you color the perception of what you present to others?

Learning with others matters
Learning by doing matters

Pummel vision.com and publishes it right to youtube (with music)


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Cole Camplese Keynote Address

Cole Camplese, Senior Director Teaching and Learning with Technology Pennsylvania State University

Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water

Young kids use technology differently than what we knew “technology” as growing up

Different expectations about technology

High School student “going to school is like getting on a plane…you sit down, strap in, and turn off all your stuff. You can’t turn them back on until you have landed at the other side”.

Technology is only technology to those born before technology – Alan Key

Expectation--I want to be able to do what I can out there.

Want real connectivity


TV Stations

News happened at 6:00 and 10:00 it didn’t happen in between


Radio Stations


Media Universe—Mobile World we are living in now

Web 1.0 (technology)

Web 2.0 Architecture of participation easy available collaborative people—it’s about people connecting to other people (It’s not the technology)

· How they access information 40% of our students watch tv on their computer

· How they connect with media

· How they control media

· How they create media 33% create and share media

Teaching and Learning 2.0

Students as amplifiers

Identity is so different now--metaidentities

Digital Marker

Multi-channel discourse

Digital Text—Authenticate

Females write 3 times as much as males

Females tend to continue to write after the semester

“Remix as dialogue” just one layer of storytelling

Youtube dot com theme song by Irving Fields

New pedagogies embedded in these technologies/social networks

They also need to be supported

ITC 11 Meet and Greet

Executive meeting with committee members and nonmembers. There's a nice report from Distance Education Survey Results "Trends in eLearning: Tracking the impact of eLearning at Community Colleges".

Interesting results:
Number 1 Challenge reported as "Greatest Challenges for Administrators of Distance Education Programs": "Support staff needed for traning and technical assistance".
Number 2 Challenge "Adequate student services for distance education students"

Blackboard leads percentage of LMS usage at just under 40% followed very closely by WebCT at about 36%. Moodle is at about 10%, then Angel just short of 10% and Desire2Learn just under 5%.

Most difficult classes. "Respondents identified classes they have found to be difficult to offer onoline for various reasons, such as faculty resistance and/or pedagogical challenges...The most difficult classes listed include:"

* Lab-based science
* Speech
* Clinical requirements
* Fine arts
* Nursing
* Math
* Industrial technology
* Foreign language
* Computer hardware

"Typical enrollment cap by class type also remained the same".
27 students for an introductory math class
25 students for an introductory English composition class
30 students for an introductory politcal science class

From report: 60% of the respondents indicated faculty participation in training programs for distance education was mandatory..."
* 70% require more than 8 hours of training

From report: Full-time faculty teach 64% of distance education classes.

From report: Only 28% of the respondents limit the number of online class sections a full-time faculty member can teach each term.

"Completion Rates. Since the inception of online instruction, administrators have dealt with the issue of lower student retention of completion rates than traditional face-to-face instruction...in 2009 administrators reported that the average retention or completion rate for online classes was 72%, compared to 76% percent for traditional face-to-face courses."

From report: 52% of online students are "traditional" (18-25) while 47% are non-traditional (26+)

Game-based learning
Mobile Devices for Learning
Gesture-based computing
Augmented Reality
Learning Analytics

Don't Get Run OVer By
* Off-loading IT services
* Netflix bandwidth issues
* Open Education Resources
* Student communications not via email (From another report 60% of students do not use email)

"The LMS we're looking for may not be an LMS"