Monday, November 24, 2008


Are there certain words that you know just totally capture what you're thinking or feeling with an accurate precision? Have you ever discovered a word that you just LOVED? Well, I just discovered such a word and I knew that word had to be my blog today. That word is wanderlust.

wan·der·lust Pronunciation Key: (wŏn'dər-lŭst')
n. A very strong or irresistible impulse to travel.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004. 24 Nov. 2008.

I used to call this feeling "the travel bug". It's a feeling I get when I haven't traveled for awhile, a kind of anciness, if that's a word. But "wanderlust" just sounds more appealing. It sounds more adventurous. For me when I get wanderlust it can best be described as an urge that waivers between the psychological and physical to get out and explore more of the world. Usually it doesn't disappear until I do actually go somewhere new and exciting. And wanderlust is exactly what I've been experiencing lately and it is growing stronger by the day.

It hasn't even been that long since I gone somewhere new. I was in Egypt in March, in Memphis in July, but there's something else calling--I just don't know what it is or where it will take me. In fact, since Friday my facebook status has read "Kari Frisch wants to travel somewhere on sabbatical". It's now late Monday evening, technically Tuesday morning, and I still can't get myself to change the status line. I don't want to jinx it. I want something to just come my way. You see, I've got wanderlust and I've got it bad!

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