Wednesday, July 14, 2010

D2L ePortfolio Colalboration & Sharing

Collaborative Learning
Develops higher level thinking skills
Increases student retention
Develops oral communication skills
Develops social interaction skills
sets high expectations for students and teachers
development of empathy (add emotion and subjective experience to the meaning and learning)
Development of empathy
Classroom resembles real life social and employment situations

From 44 benefits of collaborative Learning

Sharing to different groups for different reasons could be everyone or anyone

Sharing thoughts, ideas, multiple presentations, artifacts, reflections anything part of our learning experiene

giving the learner their own voice

group work
develop analysis and evaluation skills
improved reflection
learners see and compare different styles and approaches

Students shared efolio with each other and learned and reflected on how stories were told and how it related to them

ePortfolio discussions
peer review
group work
social networks

The ePortfolio is the how not the why

Top 10 ePortfolio Sharing Tips & Tricks
10.Viewing and Commenting
sharing with individuals
* seach by course
* search by user
Allow commenting--Create Discussion

Admin Setting up Role Permissions (slightly different than other role admin)

9.Using Rubrics for Structured Feedback
Solcit Structured Feedback
* Define a Rubric
* Set ePortfolio Item Permissions
* Set ePortfolio User Permissions

(Rubric can be submitted to a dropbox)

You have to define the rubric
Enable the assessment
Set privileges

8. Edit Permissions for Colalborative Activities
Allows others to edit your ePortfolio materials
Might see some changes in this function as the tool is worked on more

7. Using Invites
Several ways to take advantage of Invites to Enhance Sharing
* Rss Feeds
* External Mail invites
* Personalized message with inviet
* Dashboard notifications

6. Presentations Feedback by Section
Allows users to provide feedback on specific aspects of a presentation
* Page level feedback
* Artifact level feedack

*****Go to the presentation ePortfolio as a tool for Engagement from learning site, then copy it to your desktop and then you can copy the template ??

5. Permission Profiles
User and org unit permission profiels to make sharing faster
* Course or groups for sharing
* Defined set of peers
* common people shared to
* define once

4. Presentations: Public Availability

3. Presentations: External Users
grant external users reviewing privileges in addition to view
sends email and creates temp user

2. Collections to Auto-Share
Share a Collections
* Iems added to the collection manually automatically shared as part of the collection
* Dynamic Collections
**Created based on tags
**Tag items--automatically added to collection & automatically shared

1. Forced Permission Profiles
Automatic Sharing

D2L Fusion 2011

July 17th-22nd D2l Fusion 2011 will be in Denver COLORADO!!!

D2L Keynote Speaker Joel Cohen of the Simpsons

Joel Cohen Writer and Co-Executive Producer of The Simpsons

Every scene of most comedies end with a joke that transitions audience to next scene in a light manner. That joke is called a "blow".

How to engage an audience

FYI: Kathy Griffin got Joel a job on Suddenly Susan and then he got to The Simpsons

Simpsons--digital storytelling with personal start (named after someone's family members)

"D'oh" is now in the Dictionary

Homer voted most famous American!

4 fingers implies Japanese maffia

Simpsons--hopefully by offending everyone we're offending no one

Joke is innovation on expectations. A twist at the end from something relatable at the beginning.

Find the human emotion that people connect to. Emotional core=relatability

Bad idea is an opportunity in a collective supportive group

Working with a diverse group provides different, varied perspectives, and individual ideas open up the spectrum from which we can draw from

Like a puzzle there are different ways to find the answer to the problem
Try and look at the problem from different angles
Find a surprising different way to go
Look for combinations of "things" you don't think go together.
Not screwing up innovation when you have something good
Remember the context--don't ruin something great by trying to make it better
Think about taking yourself out of the decision and use a filter to decide what will be successful.

I will not hide the teacher's flask
A boger is not a bookmark
WW2 was not just a lousy sequel
A hall pass is not a "liscense to kill"

Group work-diverse
Fight your first instinct
Novel combinations
Context is this great idea the best gerat idea
a humble filter
Improvement on innovation

On where is "Springfield" ? "We try and screw with our fans as much as possible...Springfield is everywhere man!"

From KyleMackie on Twitter:
creativity is not coming up with a finite number of answers from an infinite number of choices...

...but rather coming up with an infinite number of answers from a finite number of choices.

9 months to make an episode

Favorite episode for Joel "Before the Laughter".

Proudest Moment: Meeting celebrities and fans.

Episode is driven by a theme

In response is "what is it teaching us? I know there is probably something there but I just can't find it." One of the few shows that family's can watch together.
There are things there that can bring us together. It shows us that how much they are messed up, the family stays together.

We are a group we ebb and flow. So hopefully when I'm ebbing someone else is flowing.

You get energized by a good joke.

D2l-Presenting with

James Falkofske
St Cloud Tech and Community College

Problems with PowerPoint in online class
6 X 6 format "does not cut it" online

FREE with .edu get 500MB online storage
Mind-map organized
allows seamless navigation "big picture" down

Visually stimulating
Can drill down in
easy to build
Students get free accounts and storage so they can do projects
Free tutorials online
easy to distribute

Forward and backward, full screen

Hiding text under heading
moves and rotates to next object
will fill screen with the size of the object

Can insert images (photos should have a frame to help avoid graininess when the picture fills the whole screen) The larger the dimensions the more resolution 1024 X 768 But keep in mind you only have 500 MB to work with

Can add graphics easy by clicking "upload picture"

Spatial arrangement with mind-map big pciture and details and relationship to each other

No audio

Can embed youtube videos

Container frames

To embed you just paste in the URL and the next time prezi runs it will automatically embed it

It is a flashbased program

*Video from Youtube "what are you going to be when you grow up?" in James podcast section of prezi presentation--look up later

3 ways to manipulate
1. click on center of zebra (target)
2. zoom in and out manipulates size (if you want everything the same size do the "Add another text" at the same time then go back and edit content and drag

Duplicate an object (click on the plus on the zebra)

Multiple select

Can present animations

Helpful Help

Well designed interface makes this program easier than you think

After completed you can download, share directly to facebook, twitter, download, embed

Can distribute public, public and allow them to copy, or private

James:"I'm happy to share. Anything on my blog is free to use and share"

Layout is important
outline ideas graphically
Create relationships spatially
size is important
hide the detail (hide test inside of text) helps clean the interface
group frrame sets of elements (helpst to creat a picture for viewers
group frames
Don't use spin feature alot

Design Tip
Cut and paste from word into notepad (program accessary in word then copy into prezi) as there is no spell check in prezi
create some frames (containers) to figure out positioning
figure out items which should have same relative size and tilt, set zoom view to that proportion, and enter all text-boxes at same time
pre-size graphics 48K onoine (conserve your 500 MB)
Gather all text and graphics files in same directory
Path to "container views" then zoom to elements

Audio embed through YouTube (with Closed Captions) or add your transcrips adjacent to Audio/Video

Make it All Yours (copyright)
pictures and graphics

Converting Powerpoint to Prezi
Save As--Outline/RTF (easier to edit text)

Another place to copy text from word is into VUE (free program) and then into Prezi

D2L Using Rich Media

Rich Media can be defined differently. Interactive, engaging, and multi-sensory.

web containing multi-media components, (sometimes advanced but necessarily always new)

Some ideas:
Pyramid of Hate (application with reading and video)USC
Spell Your Name (native speakers telling their stories) from Spielberg advertisement
Ed Heads (for younger K-6)
PBS Wiezel
"America and the Holocaust" McCalla around '92

Streaming clips on the content page
authro lectures and interivew
streaming media fron inside the quiz tool (long)
news media
archives of streaming media (pbs, ushmm, FilmsOnDemand, YouTube, many many others)
Professor lectures, and other media productions
Technology solutions for Teaching and Research

Splitting it up into 10-20 minute segments and putting it into quiz

Digital storytelling. To create a story, put it to music

"Media becomes how we talk"

Be aware of the functioning of the media, how does it affect the users? Where dose it take them?

Stream short clips accessible through "fair use" Clips can be used to discuss/describe a dilemna (internal, social, ambiguous)

Flow to different analysis tools (discussion, quizzes, dropbox)

Utilize the D2L tools in tandem or combination to promote short descriptoin or discussion of a clop

Stream longer media from with the Quiz too Breaks it down and asksa questions that call for desciption, knowldege, applications.

Use the small group function to promote sharing and trust over time

Repeat desciptions and varied represntations
Knowledge of material enhanced
apply concepts

Send students on a media hunt
Students are at different ability levels with technology (wide spectrum) so be aware
Share digital stories and allow for feedback during the process.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

D2L - Making D2L Come Alive Engaging Students Through Technology web page where you can uplaod all sorts of things (texts, webpages, pictures, etc.)

Java Aggregator

Garage Band on Mac for audio save as mp3 upload to D2L for PC (also works with Mac) (called animated gifts)

Keep funny email by running it through imovie (can make new audio track) (30 day free trial) can send your picture in and they'll create avator

upload file from manage files in content

Adobe photo shop

snapzprox (mac)



feed2js for rss feed aggragator

Digital Storytelling (be careful with powerpoint music file, audio file, video file all need to be on, so save as a movie, option "add media" and select file versus folder) Save as movie (saves as avi?)

Royalty free webites "creative commons" for jazzing up power point

Integrate music--or have students integrate in an assignment --find the images to match your music and then explain what they did

Podcast--digital autobiography (with prelude and postlude, have to have pictures and videos within podcast) Windows movie maker, garage band, animoto

There's thousands of tools on web 2.0 so google it.

Photos--dreamweaver's tough Adobe photo shop

Technology is way out in front of eduction

Within news widget in D2L, Click table, click advanced

D2L Keynote from Tuesday Lunch

Julie Evans
Project Tomorrow

Coming Soon: The New "Free Agent Learner" Are you ready?

Where do we need to be from a visionary standpoint?
Looked at Speak Up antional Research Porject

Huge increase in K-12 having mobile devices
41 % in immersive virtual reality evironments

Digital Naive Generation--not just adopting technology, they are adapting it.

Student vision 3 themes learning Students want to leverage emerging communications and collaboration tools to create personal neworks of experts
2. Un-tethered learning Studetns envision technology-enabled learning that transcends classroom walls
3. Digitally-rich learnng Students see the use of relevancy-based learning

59% of students use social media as their primary communications vehicle
use it to get help on schoolwork
It is the first thing they check when they get home

They want to use their own mobile device (60%)

Almost one third of 9-12 graders report owning a smartphone.

1/3 of parents have taken an onie class for work purposes.

51% Want to work at their own pace as highest concern

Barriors were mostly institutional not personal

Want online textbooks to be interactive and relative

Students' interest in games transcends ages and gender

Monday, July 12, 2010

D2L Session 3-Misc Resources

Ended up going to a Support Staff meeting. Decided to head out to another. Went to a Building Your Course Session but now have now power on computer. So not alot of notes :(

From a tweet from Kyle-here's a cool-looking resource to check out which according to their site

"With ConnectYard you can
learn anytime, anywhere:
ConnectYard integrates Facebook, Twitter, text messaging and email into a single communication thread within popular learning management systems, including Blackboard, Desire2Learn, Moodle, Sakai and others. "

D2L-Flippin Video

Record student presentations
Distribute to students individually
Quizk turn around time

Flip videos
extremely easy to use, small, USB portable

Adobe Creative Suite 3 and 4
take it through a media converter (flash to be viewable for more people)FLV
Insert with Dreamweaver Cfeate html file
Wedat (content or discussion)

WhayAdobe media encoder?
converts most video formats to flash
flash video very platform neutral
part of adobe creative suite
queue up mltiple videos for conversion
Use webdav to bulk upload files

used to creaet simple html file with embedded video flv
part of adoe cerate suite
creates "wrapper" with player and controls

Realease conditions for indiviudals (or groups) video
can link with assessments i nd2l
can do feedbac

1. Record student presentations with Flip Camera
2. Convert videos to flv format with adobe media

3.Adobe media encoder
Drag files over to encoder Flash 8 and highter as the "preset" (keeps as default)
Start Quue
(Flash files are smaller)
Dreamweaver, insert flv (Skin 3)(auto rewind) (progressive download vdeo as video type)

Uploaded into d2l through webDAV (account manager, web support might have to set it up or turn it on)

Find URL for specific course (from tech support)
Find course offering path (copy it)
Go to my network places (goliath if on mac)
add a network place
choose another network address
Intenet or network address (from tech support with pasted address)

Go through all the passwords

Find file in manage files (just the flv file needs to linked to content)

TGhings to remember
most flip cams have recording time up to 1 hour
media encoder and dreamweer require liscenses

D2L Creating and Developing Assessible Course Materials

Sherry Lindquist NCTC
Ken Petri Ohio State University


ABC's of Accessibility
1.Always choose a style
2.Be carefule of lists and tables
3.Caption and check

1.Word 2010 has more options

Don't use

Use headings for screen reader references (use the style icons). Change STYLE to default. Comic sans font is an easy font for many people with visibility/readability issues

Don't add your spaces manually

2.Tables are "nightmares" for people using screen readers.

Add captions graphics and tables so that non-visual users can determine thier mening/relevance
Make sure captio ns describe the meaning of the graphic or table and not what it looks ike
Give links uniquie, describptive names rather than "click here" or "more"
Use an accessiblity evaluation tol to check your content.

Click here must die--youtube video

It's not enough to design something that you think is accessible, you have to test it.

Non-visual desk top access gives you a preview to view your material as a reader would view it.

Bold, italic, size changes aren't necessarily helping those with visual


Reminder to faculty that a PDF of a scanned doc is a picture and a screen reader can't read it, use OCR.

Word 2010 and conversions to adobe acrobat pro -- problematic

Save as PDF
Create bookmarks using

Make sure you put a title up on Document Properties otherwise a reader will read the file name which sometimes can be confusing. Also name your files appropriately with this knowledge.

Heading levels and proper mark-ups for lists. Table headers need scope.

D2L - Misc. Bells and Whistles Resources

Places to Find Videos


Mainly Video Lectures posted by instructors

In Plain English
Explains technical concepts very simply

This American Life


Narrated and Silent PowerPoint Presentations

How-To Videos

How-To Videos

Video Documentaries

TV, Movies, and other videos

TV, Movies, and other videos

TV, Movies, and other videos

A collection of nearly 2000 films produced by the US government during the 20th Century

National Geographic Video

University Multimedia Sites

Google Video
Extensive list of video resources from

What is Screenjelly?
Screenjelly records your screen activity with your voice so you can spread it via Twitter or email.

Use it to quickly share cool apps or software tips, report a bug, or just show stuff you like.

To start recording, click on the red button. No need to install or download anything!

Dabbleboard - Onlne Whiteboard - Royalty-Free Music Clips

What2Learn (W2L) 4 categories

Check out these sites to find royalty-free images:
•Free downloadable photos:
◦•Free downloadable animated graphics:
•Microsoft Clipart (also has many photos):

****VOICETHREAD Note to self: this would be good to use as a windows and mirrors exorcise as students can "leave a voice comment" and their picutre comes up next to the main video

C box (like discussion board though, I'm not sure the advantage to using it over db)


Free Audio Resources on the Web:
•Free downloadable music clips (can be used alone or in conjunction with an instructor created file)
•If you want to record your own audio files, Audacity is a free, easy-to-use audio editor and recorder for Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux, and other operating systems. Downloading the software to your computer takes just a few steps.
◦Free tutorials are available for Audacity:
•Information about podcasting compiled at UW-Madison:

D2L - Let the Students Express Themselves

Let the Students Express Themselves; Using Regular Expressions in D2L Quizzing.

Ruth Kinder
Ohio State University

Do they have to provide exactly the response you intended? or can you do partial?

These codes cause the built in regular expression engine to read through a short answer or fill-in-the-blan responses in very specific ways and make a match to all, a portion, or no match at all

Credit can then be assigned based on the level or amount of match

You don't have to give up on automated scoring and grade "by hand".

What matters most
*Specific characters or sumbols used
*Super important what order you put the answers in (building from highest priority to
*The searching operation reuqested
*Termination of the search to save processing

Brackets [ ] take either [Ll]emon\b
*? Doesn't matter what comes next
\b Has to start with

"RegexBuddy software (real time translator, tutor, and tester, very effective inexpensive software which highlights and translates as you try to code)
for demos, tutorials, and download"

\w anything you put I'll give you zero

D2L Key Note - Dr Stuart Brown

National Institution for Play.

Play + Science = Transformation

Play belongs as a public health measure, yet many adults view it as something leftover after everything else is done.

Play signals - builds trust

Neuroscience that develops--new connections occur regaularly through play

Deep heritage of play is embedded into all of us

Play and risk together. Calculated. Train for the unexpected. Do a few things beyond the norm.

Play is self-directed. Self-motivated.

Object play.

Book recommendation: Frank Wilson's "The Hand" Hand-brain activity

Natural Curiousity

Pretend Real Play and Secret Spaces of Childhood ("fort")

Adults spend their life somewhere between pretend and real time

Social Play (Parallel Play)Creates a sense of community and belonging (attachment).

Bullying is not play.

Trust, belonging, optimism, and increasing mastery are biproducts of play.

Play creates a sense of community and belonging.

Deprevity of play leads to altered behaviors. (social competency is affected)

Impulses are there.

Celebratory Play.

Ritual Play.

Aesthetic Play

Narrative Play

Master Teachers incorporate good storytelling/narrative play into the classroom and learning engagement.

Many of us have lost in adulthood the ability to recognize play signaling.

Consequences of NOT PLAYING.
Absence of Empathy
Interpersonal Conflict
Dimished Curiousity

Oppisite of Play is Depression

the opposite of play is not "work", it's depression.

Work and Play are not opposites, they should go hand and hand

If you aren't playing in life you are going against your natural design

Play and love are connected at the deepest level.

If we played more we might pay attention better to that around us.
Empathy develops through play.