Sunday, October 12, 2008

They're all gourdgeous!

Diane's sister brought us some of her home-grown gourds Sunday. I guess I have never really paid attention to gourds before but my first thought was "they're goofy looking". Then I started noticing how each one was so unique and in it's own way "cool". I guess I could even call them kinda "gourdgeous". But seriously...Warning! Warning! Warning!...Deep moment approaching...I realized that we're all kind of like gourds. We come in different shapes and sizes. Our coloring isn't necessarily all the same. We have nicks and bruises caused by how we grew in our enviroment. Some have worts and some have creases. Some are smooth and some are rough. But all are unique. All deserve to be seen as valuable. And when you put this diverse group together it creates something even more attractive. Humm...we're even more like gourds than I first thought. I know, I know...I'm off my gourd!

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