Monday, February 15, 2016

Engineering Online Courses with Backwards Course Design

Rebecca M. Reese, LCCC Laramie Community

Backwards design is more student centered
1. develop outcomes/competencies
2. learning objectives
3. assessments
4. learning resources and activities

Premise is that the planning begins with the desired results first then working backwards to develop the instruction

Not sure I agree with presenter that traditional classrooms is "instructor-centered"

"Do you have to cover everything? No".  ???

Pacing is important, have fun with what you know best, "don't be so rigid",

presenter twice now has scoffed at instructors with set # of units.  (If you don't know what's in the unit how can the number truly have meaning" it's the content not the number of units.

Starting to have some faculty bashing happening "let the learning just happen" ??

hutegogy--deliberate design to have student-engagement

Ralph Tyler-statements of objective

Makes title interesting

Request from her a great example of netiquette

every objective has to go into some module, but obviously not every module

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