Monday, June 22, 2015

FUSION-Template Break Out Session

A beautiful, accessible, instructionally-sound online course template

Ohio State- John Muir, Valerie Rake

Create a template and make available for copy course
HTML templates
Weekly Overview
Assignment Instructions
blank content page
content with placeholders

"That just opens you up to a whole new set of demons sister!"

Content: Authoring
Allow HTML template setting (editing) enable HTML templates

CSS - someone who knows coding can help but most tools will be there in skeleton

visual touches to make it appealing custom widegests (intro video, basic orientation)

HTTP and HTTPS do not work well so take out and do www.osu...

Whole course package available as a zip file on their website Http://

Non-academic course that--that they can copy components

Choosing a template, using the TinyMCE editor (and best practices for copying in content)
replacing photos, customizing the homepage

At Ohio they have a team that does a consultation (meet for an hour and then check back in later)

Master forum course with IDs as instructors
web-based job aid (like how to change picture to the correct number of pixels)
buildt-in standard HTML styles (blockquote, etc) to use
workflow for HTML-first workflow

Simplified version of the course shell

COURSE IDEA: Professional development have a motivator for courses (3 image classes)

Tool kit

Brackets free from Adobe

Google web fonts (for CSS sheets)

"Stock photos that don't suck"
Wikimedia Commons

Making it eaiser
Simpler, fewer features on the surface

Push faculty to TinyMCE styles, baics of web accessibility

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