Monday, July 11, 2011

FUSION 11 I didn't know I could do that!

Tami Echard, Georgia Virtual School
Courtney Perrin, Georgia Virtual School

Personalizing Courses

Userlinks (teacher can add links)
Grading-Name Schemes

1. Allows you to quickly link important items
2. Easy way to add favorite or userfuls sites
3. Have students suggest sites
(Can organize who you'd like. You can't edit in the userlink widget. Be careful it goes to whole class and not to your personalize list otherwise whole class won't be able to see it.) (Can create a new category or add to an existing.Description shows to you and not to students. Even on Global bar it is only per class.) Can call links a "bookmark"

Goes to the port.
Great place to store information that needs to be repeated throughout different start dates.
Keeps teachers from answering the smae question repeatedly.
Ease of use and access allows a wealth of information (class practices, test format, grading and assignment reminders) to be distributed with ease.

Can ask tech support to copy or copy/paste the FAQs (or we might be able to) from course to course or semester to semester.

Poll students easily.
All students a role in decision making (ownership).
Easily determing (and store responses) alternative assignment options for students.

Can add a video, website, etc.
Can be added in quizzes under the feedback section.

Utilizing web 2.0 tools
1. iFrames
2. Embed codes
Attachment option

Shows up at bottom of screen.

Some versions of d2l have glitches with the iFrames

Can change websetting so the popup to allow or not allow this content message doesn't allows come up.

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