Saturday, February 15, 2014

ITC Keynote What Every Student Needs The 6 P's

ITC Keynote Presentation
February 15, 2014

What Every Student Needs The Six P's

Bologne was the first spot of the first University Monastic Model
*13th century
* Preservation and transmission of culture
* Harvard, Princeton, Yale all started to train monks

"There's a reason why we wear funny clothes at graduation."

Reason the classrooms had a podium (the lectern).

Deep DNA in Monastic Model
* Role of Professor as Priest (consecrated if I say you are worthy--you will recite)
* Student as Novitiate
* Institution as Conservator and Authority

Cleric ("Clark"-bureaucrat) to accurately collect tax and census work

Architecture still very reflective (domes, spires, gothic/classic architecture)

German Polytechnic Model (and American Land Grant University)
* Mid 19th Century thru 1930's
* Generation of new knowledge and its "practical" application
* BIG Agriculture, BIG Technology, and finally BIG Science

Einstein went to Zurich Polytechnic

Deep DNA
* Professor as researcher/innovator
* Student as apprentice scientist (To drive the economy)
* Institution as engine of economy

(Stanford architecture--trying not to be a church)  Form follows function

MIT - Both designs present

Industrial  Model
* Post WWII - 1950'2 to mid 1970's
* Production of graduates for the workforce

GI bill (called something else) and VA hospital (and loans)
within a year 3 million enrolled in college, didn't have enough housing
Women's colleges were turned into co-ed to help meet needs and absorb overflow

Truman Commission included we needed to retrain workforce and present system wasn't ready to do this so they Jr colleges became comprehensive community colleges (redo schools that were Rosie the Riverter schools).

1964-65 Large increase in schools

Baby boom (19 years after the war ended and soldiers came home)


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