Sunday, February 16, 2014


4. Plan (Application to graduate is too late) Plans should be formulated earlier and shared

Here are you choices which one do you want to do? Every student needs a plan

5. Purpose

Clarity of purpose their probability of  success goes up

New student experience helps students figure out why they're here.

1) Purpose is constructed in a social context/social construct
2) Purpose emerges over time (conversation doesn't just happen once--weave the discussion into every part of the learning)

6.  Person

I am a person.  I am not a number.  I am not the magnetic strip on the back of the card.  I am not a unit of consumption.

Tell us when you really felt like a person at the college.  90% told of a time the faculty broke a rule to treat you as a person.

What do you do to personalize learning through elearning?

In every learning experience you are working with a real person.

What can you attribute your success to?  NONE said the college's strategic plan!! All named a person, someone.

A MOOC will never treat a person as individual person  MOOCS are not about the learner they are about the business!

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