Thursday, November 6, 2008

Car talk

I went down to the Cities with a friend. We took her vehicle, however when we got close to the Cities she asked if I would drive. Many people don't like to drive in urban areas. Personally, I don't mind, so I took over at the wheel. Even though it was lunch time, the traffic wasn't so bad. It was much worse when we were driving to her sister's later that evening. I definitely had to use my car talk skills. You see driving involves learning a whole new language and skill-set past what you need to know for passing your driver's exam. You know what I'm talking about. Take honking for example:

You're stopped behind one other car at a red light. The light turns green but the person in front of you doesn't notice. You wait your obligatory 3 seconds and then a short "honk". Just a friendly little reminder that the light is green.

You're on a side street and see your friend coming towards you. What do you do? Two little honks. "honk, honk". It's like saying "hi".

Someone driving eradically cuts in front of you nearly taking your front bumper with them. "HOOOOONNNNNNK" . You lay on the horn which translates into "You idiot!"

The distance you put between your car and another can also communicate. There's been a train for which traffic has had to stop and there's a long line of cars waiting to turn unto the main street and head over the tracks. You're on that main street already also waiting to head over the tracks. If you're nice you leave an extra large space between you and the car in front of you so the car on the side street knows you're going to let them in. If you're cranky or in a hurry then you close the gap even more than you normally would as if to say "nope, you're not getting in".

This also works if you want to express your disgust. For example, a car whizzes past you only to pull into your lane and then proceeds to go slower than the rate you were going. You know because you have your cruise set. So again, instead of applying your break and readjusting your cruise, you let your car go right up to them to say "See? See!!! You're really a jerk for cutting me offf! How dare you make me adjust my speed!"

Humm...I guess it's a good thing I don't live in a major city with traffic issues. Although I understand car talk, it looks like I've got a little bit of road rage. Better stick to driving in Brainerd.

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