Deb and her sister Barb (see photo in "bided" blog entry) have been trying to get their mom to answer some questions that some would say fall on the personal side but being the strong stoic Scandinavian that she is, she would typically change the subject or pretend she didn't hear the question. Yet today when I was there with the camera and happened to ask her a couple of questions she hardly hesitated in asnwering. In fact, after we got done with the couple of questions I had for her about Deb we actually just kept the camera going and I started in on a few of the questions that were all about her own life experiences. I was amazed at what she shared and how easily she seemed to do so, especially considering I had the camera going.
Now I'm not a stranger to Margaret, but why is it that she'd open up more for me and the camera than she would her two daughters. Maybe the small size of the camera was less intimidating. Maybe it was the questions. Maybe it was just the right day. But whatever the reason, that was the reality of today. I'm glad she opened up and shared some of the interesting stories that can now be shared with others too.
Photo note: Still picture captured from vide through Window's movie maker
W: 2 miles
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