I grew up in Brainerd but didn't do alot of outdoor stuff. But one of the activities I did do was some cross country skiing. The Nothland Arboretum was the spot we would go. I love the changes they have done in the recent years. The new building is beautiful and in fact we had my Mom and Dad's 50th Wedding Annivesary party there. One of my favorite features now is the fact that the Paul Bunyan trailhead is right next door. I've biked on the trail dozens of times but today I decided to run it.
This is only the fourth time I've tried running on the trail. The first time was my first experience on outside pavement. Before that I had only run indoors on the treadmill. I wasn't sure how my shins would take it so I only did about a mile. That was July 5th. A month later I was back on it going 1 for 1. I'd walk a mile, run a mile, walk a mile, run a mile. I traveled a total of 8 miles. The next run I was short for time, so I did a total of 2 miles--all running. But this time after doing 3.6 in Little Falls, I decided to shoot for 4. And I did it!!! It felt good and I completed it in about 38 minutes.
It was a beautiful trip because the wildflowers were in bloom. It was fun to use the trail in this new way. I felt lucky that Brainerd had access to this great trail system. In all this greenery it's easy to forget that you're in the city. So on this day, I'm thankful for the Paul Bunyan Trail and the opportunities it provides.
R 4 miles 38 min
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