I recently took up running, not because I really enjoyed it, but because I thought it would be good for me. The problem is I sweat, ALOT. So this past summer I got some sweatbands to wear. Now, I'm not one to really get hung up on what others think of how I'm dressed. But if truth be told, I probably care more than I like to admit. Seeing as today was the first day of school, I decided it should also be my first day of my new project--to get out and about and to find something in my reality that I could share on my blog. Well, I put off my run until almost 3:00. Of course, this is now the hottest part of the day. But I decided to go for it anyway. So I laced up my running shoes, grabbed my itouch and headphones and went out the door to check the weather before my 3.6 mile run. Well, it didn't take long before I realized that yes it was indeed hot! I knew I was going to sweat and immediately thought of my sweatbands. But then that little voice in the back of my head started taunting me, telling me that if I wore the sweatbands I'd look dorky. I almost gave in to my own self-induced pressure before I bucked up and just put them on.
I was a little self conscious at first but you know what? It was HOT! And just as I predicted I started sweating. It was so hot that I even got a little sunburned. See? Hours later and I'm still convincing myself that it was OK to wear the sweatbands. What's the deal there? Running is not a beauty contest, a person needs to be comfortable. So my reality check today is--I sweat--so be it! You know, I'm out there getting some exercise. I can say I worked hard. And yes it came with a little sweat--but that's ok. Some would say "glisten" was more feminine but I'm calling it like it is. I ran and I wore sweatbands not "glistenbands". Far too often I think people get distracted with worrying about how they look. And the fact that I came home sweaty made me actually feel good. I knew I had worked hard and had sweat to prove it. I'm proud that I got out there and didn't let the heat be my excuse for not going. Sweatbands might not be for everyone, that's fine, but I found that they came in handy. So that's my reality check for today--sweat can be good!
Exercise meter: R 3.6 miles; 33 min; C 80's and hot
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