Over Labor Day weekend I went caching and camping. I love doing them both, but I'm guessing most people only know what camping is, so today's post is going to be on caching. The more formal name for this activity is geocaching.
For those of you who are not familiar with geocaching it's basically high tech scavenger hunting. You get coordinates off the official geocaching website and then enter those coordinates into a GPS unit. These coordinates get you close to your "cache" which is a container of some sort. Some caches are large, like an ice-cream bucket or an amo can, and some are very very small. Some we've found are smaller than a dime. Usually the caches are hidden--some better than others--and some are located in tough terrain. For those of you who are not familiar with geocaching it's basically high tech scavenger hunting.
Although there are some caches located right in the city, alot of them are placed in "green spaces" like city parks, public water acccesses, trail systems, and state forests and state parks. I've often commented that I've to places I would probably never visit or even known about in some cases if it hadn't been for geocaching. The nice thing about these particular greener caches, is that there is usually quite a bit of walking involved which means more calories burned. And it's fun. For more information check out online: http://www.geocaching.com/
Since being introduced to the "sport" last July, I've found over 425. So yes, you could say I'm addicted. This weekend was no exception. After we set up camp at Wild River State Park, we took off to do a little caching. Altogether we walked about 7 miles. Caching is definitely a part of my reality and just one way I get out and about.
W 7 miles
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