Friday, April 11, 2014

Mess in Online Education: How it is, how it should be

Online is being looked at as a symptom of what's wrong and a way to fix it.

Utopia and/or  Dystopia  Puts us in a difficult position  NONONO and/or YES YES YES

Promise and/or Threat

The problem with trying to get it right is that we're not all speaking the same language

Three promises: Speed, Simplicity, Efficiency


Learning like weight loss?  Promises of it being easy, but is it?

Duolingo App Language can be acquired faster through an app 

"Wicked clarity" through "virtual mess" 

Our culture values order so mess is not appreciated.  When we seek to tidy up, the things that we clean up still have value and contribute to bigger picture-real life

Make space for the unexpected, unusual and hitherto unexplored methods. McArthur 2010.  

Structure = Safety ??  Messiness in education doesn't mean not safe. It's creative, diverse, real, unusual, unexpected.

4 Values (motivations)  of Mess 1) ? 2)  accessing the students in the gap; 3) Recognize and accept education is messy...4) To fall in love again

Students have a different relationship to the known and the unknown then we do

"Deconstruct my oppressions"

Being afraid of not knowing the answers

Glorial Anzaldua "Like all people, we perceive the version of reality that our culture communicates.  Like others, having or living in more than one culture, we get multiple, often opposing messages.  The coming together..." Empowering inspiration

Our classes should reflect our own curiosity and passion for learning.

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