Friday, April 11, 2014

Unconference Information Literacy

Information Literacy

Hour of Code - Visual Game to get students to spend an hour to learn code and breaks barriers down, (kind of like angry birds)

USC Eastbay

Information Literacy acronyms



The Best Thing I learned at et4online

person 1:
Do, show, tell,  ask, review

person 2:
Voice Thread (online lecturing or noting)

person 3:
blendspace (bucket of options, but not linear)

person 4:
lack of information literacy course (4 credit-CSU Eastbay)

person 5 (me):
Tellagami-For 2 Truths and a Lie and post reflection of why you choose.

person 6:
Overarching theme: recognition on constraints we're placing on ourselves through LMS/technology and/or constraining creativity

person 7:
we've moved from technology programs being like a small drug store to Walmart
(Use Merlot to guide you to the best apps)
Success central

person 8:
international participation, cross-discipline

Additional thoughts:
Encourage students to point out errors in closed-captions for extra credit like I do in quizzes/surveys
Email Andrew C for information/digital literacy

cultural diff cont.


Cultural markers

Teaching/Design Features
Prior Research
Visual Display Design Principles

Look at their Top 5 design features and lowest ranked design features

Learner Variability

Cultural Differences in Perspectives of Post-secondary Students on Online Instructional Features and Visual Design Principles

Influence of Culture
Face to Face Environment
Onine Instucture Environment
Onlince instructional context
All involved with Cultural Difference in Instuctional Environments Today

Influence of Culture:
Learner Expectations
Interaction with instructor/peers
Instructional design
Instructor Cultural knowledge
Learner outcomes

Face2Face Enviroment:
Teacher-student-peer setting
Natural teaching-learning
Multicultural sensitivity
Interaction based
Transparency non-verbal cues

Online Instructional Enviroment:
Reliance on visual display
No visual contact
Designed for access focus
Visual display same for all

Online Instructional context:
Cuture specific
unprecedented growth
US increased diversity
Does not appear to be an issue

Why are cultural differences not an online issue?
Lack of awareness
Research in e-learning is not a priority
Revenue over shadows everything
Just overlooked

Conceptual Framework
Visual Display
Online Instruction

Post secondary online learngs
linguistic backgrounds
interaction style
visual behavior

No difference was found based on gender or age, differences were related to the language

Western learners tend to have a more analytical cognitive learning style
East Asian tend to


Effective Strategies and Technologies for Promoting Students Collaborative Learning Online

Giant jigsaw

Trello - can create boards that everyone can contribute to (over to the side you can click on the avatar and get their individual contributions)
*Then members can vote.
*Can assign tasks
*Can add discussion

Trello Plus


Allow students to "see" you
Get some questions answered right up front

So goal of orientation also includes if this course is not for you, address it up front, seek alternatives

Instructor presence is felt when encouraging and often engagtement is demonstrated early on

Respond to all messages early on, even if interaction doesn't continue all the way through at that level

Gives them familiarity with tools before the regular assignments/quizzes are due

Makes sure file formats are compatible

24-30 students

Students in video talking as a peer to being successful in an online class

Setting up students for success

Need for student Orientation
should include technical skills
understanding of online/hybrid
study skills
workload manageent
resources-technical help and other campus resource

Done before getting into class (available large time period)
3 Step Process:
Self-assessment of rediness with a score
Orientation video
Demo Course

Get an email based on pre-registion,
Get a reminder email 10 days before class starts

Intrudction of Course Tools
Syllabus Quiz (testing tool)
Syllabus Assignment (assignment tool and saving and uploading documents in correct format)
Resources (provides articles on what it takes to be a successful online learner)
Discussion thread
Echo 360 video

Syllabus Quiz
Utilizing the test center tool, quiz requires reading and reinformcent of syllabus
Ways of communicaiton in the oline course
software requrements and access codes
Default day and time for course assignments, discussion threads
What help is available for technical support
Allow multiple attempts to allow comfort

Syllabus Assignment
Proivdes instruction on howw to save assignmetn for upload in proper format
"I have read the syllabus and know that any questions I have reagrading assignments or course requirements, I many contact my professor for clarifiation. I know that in an online course, the professor does not know what questions I may have on an assignment unless I make contact with her.
Allow resubmissions

Discussion Thread Focus
Successful online student
selft assessment of readiness and orientation video concepts are reinforced in a first week discussion thread
Provide within the discussion thread for this week, what you think are characteristics of a scuccessful online student
Post with appropriate reference (may be a webste that supports idea, or a journal article): thoughtful ideaas, clearly communicates his/her ideas or opinions and posess addtional questions for the class to conser
Instructor access is encouraging and frequent

"Can't be easily frustrated".

Mess in Online Education: How it is, how it should be

Online is being looked at as a symptom of what's wrong and a way to fix it.

Utopia and/or  Dystopia  Puts us in a difficult position  NONONO and/or YES YES YES

Promise and/or Threat

The problem with trying to get it right is that we're not all speaking the same language

Three promises: Speed, Simplicity, Efficiency


Learning like weight loss?  Promises of it being easy, but is it?

Duolingo App Language can be acquired faster through an app 

"Wicked clarity" through "virtual mess" 

Our culture values order so mess is not appreciated.  When we seek to tidy up, the things that we clean up still have value and contribute to bigger picture-real life

Make space for the unexpected, unusual and hitherto unexplored methods. McArthur 2010.  

Structure = Safety ??  Messiness in education doesn't mean not safe. It's creative, diverse, real, unusual, unexpected.

4 Values (motivations)  of Mess 1) ? 2)  accessing the students in the gap; 3) Recognize and accept education is messy...4) To fall in love again

Students have a different relationship to the known and the unknown then we do

"Deconstruct my oppressions"

Being afraid of not knowing the answers

Glorial Anzaldua "Like all people, we perceive the version of reality that our culture communicates.  Like others, having or living in more than one culture, we get multiple, often opposing messages.  The coming together..." Empowering inspiration

Our classes should reflect our own curiosity and passion for learning.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

More Misc from tweets Twitter in classroom slidedeck

How to Cite Social Media in APA Style:


Great tools blendspace

using Youtube and

Interview on the Sloan C quality score card

@drdavidwicks: Do you watch the video or read the transcript? By @plowenthal #et4online #video Twitter in education
Comments from his students:
For teaching, learning, professional development
Follow 50 Acivities
10 Tips for Twitter in Ed:

Blog, this is Twitter, but side bar has a lot of other links to teaching and learning and onine

Engaging the Digital Natives with Free Technology

Shake up the location, format and restrictions of leaden and unispired assignments

Flipped lessons, avatars open courses, give students choices, free-form thinking, collaboration

Have students introduce themselves (comics, digital story,

Blendspace to create lessons

When is Good for scheduling


Haiku Deck


Trello (can assign tasks and duedates to brainstorming)

list management (asauna??)

Mindmeister (mind mapping)

Vocaroo online voice recorder

Kaizena (highlight text and add voice comments and resource links to student work)


Give information to students and have them present it

Tellagami or Voki for avatars-customizable and sharable (Tellagami is an App)

Breakout of the discussion board (one post and two replies) Use for Two Truths and a Lie (integrate into LMS)

Voki can record with cell phone call-in or by typing in text

Padlet, a blank canvas. They can post their name with picture, or video. (create seating chart) or create a burning question "board" can secure it so that only your students can access, or security by obsecurity

mybrainshark (presentation, reflection, upload files, audio or pre-set background music)

Merlot "find mobile apps for teaching" (education, then teacher ed board)

google forms
poll everywhere (only free for up to 30 students)

Merlot Communication Resources

Intercultura Textbook Possibility:

Introducing Merlot II

Started in 1997 in Sonoma Multimedia

MERLOT II Introduced in Educause in 2013

Merlot Community
Peer Reviewers

40,000 learning materials, simulations, quizzes, textbooks, journal articles, learning objects, open courses


Content Builder (Create a web page, create a website) Templates for authoring

You can store things in folders to look at later

Merlot 1I
Added functionality to make it easier
Search, about, my merlot, news and information, create materials, merlot communities, newsletter

Translation tool now as Merlot is worldwide

Context sensitive help for the page your on

Merlot can search and browse, to contribute (content builder tool or comment on an object) you must register in MERLOT

Can become a peer reviewer

Every search can be added as an RSS feed so you get notified when new objects are added

Can create a personal collections (files you store/bookmark) You can also add description (ie "really like chapter 3")

Rick Lumadue (personal collection "Social Issues" video presentations" like bullying and social aggression )

Can search different library collections (go from search page, "search other libraries")

Accessibility - Can add if resource has accessibility review

Merlot Affordable Learning Solutions
ISBN finder
Type in any ISBN and search for it and find any resources associated with it

students centered
Free online study groups (online help for various subjects) Biology, chemistry, computer science, etc.

Mobile search apps

Merlot Communities academic disciplines
Built into D2L (email webmaster who then provides a key) 10 itemssearches ??

Community Portals

Have Facebook, twitter

Media cont.

Coordinated Video take video as you're taking notes (compresses files)

Expanding the Conversations (traditional: teacher to student , now almost requirement that there's different methods/expectations to share)
Google Apps Google Drive  Collaborate with peers or teachers (changes traditional workflow)

Social Reading with Subtext (Subtext app)
Engage your class in any book or article.  Can create a group, upload article, add prompts (quetions) highlight,

Curate and Share: Digital Portfolios
educlipper (professional portfolio they can take with them) Can click content into them (documents, etc.)  Demonstrate what they've done

More and more employers are moving from traditional resume to more inclusive portfolio

Move content delivery to curation and sharing -- Information Literacy

Diigo - can sign up as an individual or as an educator.  Bookmarking site, tag, share with a group

Creating multi-modal eBooks  Create your own content  can add maps, models,  ibooksauthor, or bookcreator (can combine books) Easy to create and distribute

Then share with Apple bookstore

Using video enhances writing and is engaging to students

Simulations Skywalk, Virtual History Runner?

Augmented Reality (Aurasma) uses camera on iphone or ipad and if the image is recognized it will bring up additional information

VIrtualMuseum (videos to go with artifacts) Good for life timelines, book reports/review,

Role of teachers our role has morphed from expert in the room, the new classroom (kids might be relative experts compared to you) we have to be continually learning, so create an environment of learning versus teaching only

encourage curiosity and asking questions and answers

Don't hesitate because of fear of technology focus on the goal instead

Kids can do amazing things when you empower them and give them the opportunity

Life is a journey, not a destination

Joy of Learning!

Gift share your own passion for learning

Mobile Technology and Education

Sam Gliksman - wrote ipad in education for dummies

Boring, doesn't connect to their lives

Models are still built on old system
Access, lineated
Ownership of information-master and demonstrate
To-down structure
Expect students to adapt (students expected to adapt to the way we teach not us adapt to how they learn)

It's NOT all about the technology it's about being student-centered
There's so much information out there. It's what can I do with all of it, how
It's networked. the teacher is only part of the circle
They are not passive participants they are publishers of information (heavily satureated with the medium)

how we communicate has changed dramatically (capture, edit share instantly)

Using video to demonstrate Understanding: Mr Formato, Thayer School for physics
Objective: To create and document a demonstration of how frames of reference apply to the observation of motion

Video is a great language for students to communicate their message

Screencasting  (explaineverything program) works well on ipad (white screen) demonstrate your understanding by demonstrating and narrating (vocalize your understanding)  Explaineverything will give you option to put on YouTube or share through other means

Time-lapse phtotography (using ipad) take photos and then compresses them into video file Brings experiments to life SO using media to document and investigate

Using animation: the graphical novel
Objective: Using animation to relate a story graphically

Green screen (reasonably priced on Amazon) ipad has applications for $3

Attitudes towards media use
1.Regarded as trivial
2. Used as alternative activity
3. Any video is a good video (don't set standards)

We need media literacy standards

Coordinated Audio
Noteability and record options for audio (for students to record teacher as the student is taking notes)


You Need Some Stinkin Badges

Establish a Purpose
1. Learning-Centered Vision
2. Promote Culture and Values

Parker Badges Bucket of badges (3 categories)
1. Life Badges Gateway (FUN badges) Parker in the Wild

2. Active Learning Student Engagement Life Long Learning.  A little harder to attain. Reward for learning new skills or awareness (Badges can include a file)

3. Parker Difference Badges (Faculty have to produce something, were in the spotlight)

Activity: How could you use digital badges on your campus?
Programs or initiatives, culture or values, issue challenge

Incentives/motivation badges that lead to something (financial, ipad, **lunch at Happy Joes?) Don't want competition (don't have a leader board for example)

Two months soft launch a couple more for a harder launch.

Diversity Incentives
Globalization badges
Peer Review (QM badges, internal, f2f)

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Jim Groom Reclaim Your Domain

Aspiring to be positive contributers to future online ecoculture.

Tilde approximately (suggest or refer) linguistic and technical (displays in domain)

Many of us are behind in technology. We're using "trailing edge technology (not emerging).

Geocities, dancing babies, old web --then the LMS...get in the LMS kid and stay there!

YT2 put the fear in us, then there was napster

Missed opportunities.  We ask students to work and play in an environment they'll never work or play in again.

Culture and Comunity

Open education experience

Experimentally, artistically,


As universities we are failing to provide open space, infrastructure for their own future and bridge that with domain

We need more with digital literacy.

Facebook, google analytics

Why don't we have student-central/centric systems (they close at the end of individual classes)

Make students system administers of their own digital education/portfolio

Democratizing Innovation (Eric Von Hippel) Free on Amazon

common face of who we are the infrastructure of online community

Picture from pictures--(look this up) specific reference missing  Here it is thanks to a tweet helper:

Humans of New York

Adult success

Stories online--our stories

Anything worth doing takes a little risk.

At what point on our campus are we enabling students tob be innovators with technology use of technology

Fostering Interaction and Building Community in the Technosocial Classroom

Anthing that relies on some element of social media or technology for interaction

Institutions 9.7 only now consider online non-essential

7.1 million students taking online courses in 2013

Stereotype that Online is disconnected
So look at Community and Interactivity

Students How are they using Technology

Students have more information available and their "landscape" is changing (twitter, chrome, facebook)

What's the value in online community
Greater odds that learning objectives will be achieved if there is "community" online, connection to students and to teacher--foster interaction

See class as a living thing

Clarity of Design, Balnaced Collaboration Integration of Social Media

Scaffolding static engagment=passive
High dynamic + Collabourative better

Students want sense of inclusion emotional connection Among Students

Individual projects vs Group Assignments of Varying "weight"

Culture of Reflection paper by Karen Swan

Service-based (more like commercial based) networks
Pro-students usually already know how to use them
con-not customizable

Have a Facbook or Twitter private page

Use a class hashtag (specific enough but doesn't overlap with others already out there)

Google hangout

Instructor built networks (wordpress, Google Apps)
Pro highly customizable
Con relies on student familarity of technology
ie use for student portfolios
Free if google user
Google sites
Limited and templated but pretty deep for supplemental site

Box (highly recommended) for document sharing/editing/group projects
Google Drive, Dropbox

Student Interaction

Multimedia Beyond the Click

Students are already living in multimedia

What's driving multimedia: Gaming

Stmulation works.  Recognize where they are, a flat-classroom doesn't match how they frame the world.

Law of active learning and law of practice and feedback
Law of reinforcement
Law of emotional learning
law of relevance'Law of previous experience law of individual differences

People remember / learning activity pyramid

Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience

Solid Design of online learning progrmas
What we do
what we say or write
what we hear and see
What we see
What we hear

What do we align:
student expectations
How people learn
Available technolog
Course objectives
How and Why

Infrastructure important--are you a campus ready to take a bit of a risk?

Are there resources ready and available? ie How to tutorials and instructional designers

Design and Develop: planning, time management and balancing

Creative solutions

Misc Resources from Emerging Technology Conference 2014 Dallas

Mindmapping, visual learning

Domain registration

Aurasma Don't just read the book, experience it

Effects of "belongingness" in technology:


Shadow Puppet (for digital stories)

Find your own online voice:

Blendspace or Blendspace (look up)

Storify to use different social media to tell a story

Teens and Technology article and stats:

20 Tech Tools for Teachers

Can you see the real me?

Vycolone video editing and showing angles  (recognizes people around you and edits to make larger holistic view)

on blurring lines between work and personal life

TedTalk on being Real being vulnerable

Blog article: Article on digital assessment

Tech tools:

to   Puzzle resource

Google site for supplemental material or student portfolio demo

Box, google drive, dropbox for peer-editing/review

Jim Groom - Reclaim your Domain

Take back your spaces

How to manage for the long term. "Technology ecosystem" is not happening in our LMS

Reclaim your Domain - Reclaim Freedom $10 a year for domain about $5 a month

Keep Domain and hosting separate

C panel space (Control pannel) Graphic User Interface (GUI) users can actually use it

Your presence lives beyond any one tool.  The afterglow sets a presence.

Taking with us the digital life bits thar we have out "there".


Domain is like your house address (abstarct idea that points you to a thing, the house is the server.  You can do more stuff with your house so that's subgroups)

Create a subdomain (creating a room in your house--a space now in my domain)

List is like hippie co-house (virtual squatting)

Great for students because this goes with them when they leave!

Now can install applications

Under software/services
Application Browser
Change admin username/password
Create title
(erase second item in drop box--the directory--use dropbox to find your own htttp addresss)

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Additional tools

Additional Tools

AuidoSwap (free music for behind video)

DragonTape (mashup videos and clips them)

Tube Chop (cuts video)

Clipping Magic (easily removes background from online images)

Pics4learning , Fotopedia, and Morguefile (free images)

Audacity (podcasts, vocals, record foreign languages, etc.)