Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Just a Few Digital Story Comments from IC Class

Digital stories told from a first hand experience have impact and help promote credibility as an instructor and foster engagement in the classroom.  But instead of just talking about it myself, I’ll let my students speak to the power they seem to have in the classroom and why I want to develop more of them.  Here are just some of my students’ comments about the impact of these type of learning objects:

I believe those types of videos open my world to things I have not experienced and probably will never experience, but it is valuable to know of their existence. They have definitely put new wrinkles in my brain. They show the caring of the instructor to expand our horizons and develop our communication world.

In all the videos you've had us watch, I feel that I've become more aware of PEOPLE, in general. You don't know peoples history, or what has happened to them. Sometimes you don't know about their culture enough to know that, their culture is WHY the do what they do. I feel like I was connected to you as an instructor also, because if you didn't put some of your own personal reflection into it, it would just be a video not part of YOUR class. I really enjoyed all the videos.

The videos definitely make the class more fun. Not only are they very fascinating to me but they help me remember and feel more connected to the concepts.

The videos have helped to put the concepts into perspective and really get a better feel for the other cultures. They also stick in my memory better.

I LOVE THE VIDEOS! They do make me feel like i understand other people much better, and they give me a more personal and connected feeling. I enjoy them.

I love having the videos in class. Since this is an online class I feel that is more difficult to take in all the information on my own. When I watch the videos it's almost like I have an instructor teaching me.

I feel like I am connected to the people in the video. That I can see the issues through their eyes, feel what they feel, and get a real "handle" on the reality of how different cultures influence all of us to some extent.

The videos have been great! I would love to go to the places that you have seen and did feel more connected to you because of that. They are truly a great way to learn. They are a great way of bringing us to somewhere that we may never visit and learn more about it.

They help me feel more connected to the real world by making me realize that there are so many different languages, accents, and cultures. They have helped me be more open to learning about others.

I enjoyed watching about these events rather than reading about them. I feel it gives them more impact and absolutely helps me connect more with the concept. The personal touches makes it easier to connect with you as a person.

I think the videos in general all help make the information more real. For me when you add real people I can see it just makes the info more important and therefore more memorable to me.

The videos bring the content alive. In some cases we are not able to experience the traditions, religions, and cultures of the individuals portrayed in the videos

They do a great job of showing that the stuff we are learning actually happens in real life.

These videos aided me in keeping a global and open mined look on the topics being discussed.

I think that it helps me think outside of the box, and look at things from a different point of view. It helps me be more open to other ideas.

The videos are the most exciting! I feel better connected to the concepts as well as to you our instructor. Sometimes when you take a class all you get is a name and names are great but it's nice to know that our instructors are people too and that they lead exciting, fun lives. I feel like the videos that you have posted make more aware of the world around me. I have learned a lot about not only people in general but culture as well because of the videos that are posted to us each week.

I think this really helps with connecting me to the concepts in class, you as the instructor and to he real world. It helps us to see and hear what's going on in the world, not just hear about it. Also, with you at the one mosque it helps see your interests and how adventurous you are as our instructor, therefore making it more fun for us as a class.

I love the videos! I think it's a bonus of an online class and without a doubt they make me feel more connected to the teacher and the rest of the class. I also enjoy being able to experience an almost first hand experience about what I'm learning about.

I feel as though the videos have helped bring everything together for me. I am a visual learner and these videos help all the concepts that I have been reading come together right before my eyes.

I think that I definitely felt more connected and I think that it is wonderful that you share these things with us. Sometimes it is hard to relate to a teacher in an online class but when you integrate your life experiences into our learning it helps make this impersonal online class an easier experience.

These videos have helped me to connect to the world more rather than just my community. I look to you as a person who has seen more of the world than I will ever probably see, so I am thankful our paths have crossed and I am able to learn from your experiences. The videos make it easier to see and understand things we can't physically touch, having pictures or video is so much more powerful when added to the written word.

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