Monday, February 22, 2010

eLearning Conference- "Folks Using Folksonomy, Digital Galleries and More"

Cheryl Chapman, Faculty and Instructional Designer, and Dan Jones, Executive Dean of Innovation and Learning Technology, Coastline College

Learnig Technology & Innovation Departments:
eLearning Research & Development
Instructional Design & Faculty Support
Electron Media & Publishing
Video & Telecourse Production

Mini-Grants ($1000) (write about it, talk about, share about it)
Second Life/Virtual Worlds
Rapid prototyping--Interactive learning applets/simulations (Reptivity)
Vod/Pod Casting (Captivate)
Lecture Capture (Illuminate Live)
Social Networks

Folksonomy = Folk + Taxonmy
*Folks-Done by People
*Taxonomy-Classification of item into groups

Folksonomy=Collective Tagging=Social Tagging=Social Indexing=Collaborative Tagging

Folksonomy is a characteristic of web 2.0
Folksonomy became popular in 2004

Taxonomy vs Folksonomy
Control vs Open
Top-down vs Bottom up
Arduous process vs just do it
accurate vs good enough
restrictive vs flexible
static vs evlving
expensive to maintain vs low cost user development

1.Amount of information growing rapidly (people are taking more photos, videos, etc.)
2. Scientific publications (journals and paten sources) are becoming more complex and diccicult to locate via reg searches
3. experts are not always availble (or willing) for categorizing scientific date
4. Human generated tags add reliability to databases/search engines
5. Uses categorize this information anyway

1. Simple no formal classification system
2. Lower cost
3. open ended
4. Relevant

Go Pub med

Text Voice and Video
FREE or $99 per year for upgraded version

"Can use voice as easy as you use your phone" because you can have the system "call" you to input voice recording

Can have different identities (so can use separately for separate classes)

Can administer users, can set them into groups

Share (embed or link)

Commenters appear around the picture and then by rolling cursor over commenter than you see (or hear their comment).

Other options?
Viddler? (another site that allows you to comment on videos)

Pano an ap on the iphone that allows you to stitch photos together to get a panoramic picture

Might be able to use these tools for analyzing "tutorials videos" for effectiveness. What did you think was effective what was not and why?

Comments outside of one creating "settings" can be volatile by other users. Some features are protected.

(FROM TWEET: look up Wimba and Pronto)
(FROM TWEET: Online facilitation is a bit like yoga. A practice. Something that changes every time you do it. Must be present)

1 comment:

Less is More said...

Elearning courses definitely require lots of discipline because of the scheduled classes the instructor has.