Tuesday, February 23, 2010

eLearning Conference - "How Do Ya Work This Thang?"

Presentation Notes from Michael Amick-CLC

Emerging Digital Tech Certificate at CLC
16 credits (qualifies for financial aid)
All count towards AA degree (Associate of Arts)
All transfer as part of the mntransfer curriculum as part of AA

Helps students build personal skills as well as professional skills (might help in employment seeking)

One required course:
Survey of Web Applications (whirl-wind tour of web 2.0 tools--basic foundation
Social networking
Virtual technologies
Voice and Video
Creation and design
Career and Jobs
Wiki, blogs, podcasts,
spam, phishing, issues etc

There 13 credits from at least 2 different disciplines. Options:
1. There is a computer basics application (basic computer skills) that they can take first if needed
2. Then there is an advanced computer applications course (latest versions--Microsoft office 2010)
3. Software Evaluation
4. Immersive Worlds (Second Lives and Avatars) But must be 18 years or older
5. Cyber Ethics (Or "If Aristotle had a Laptop") (Ties into Nancy's presentation comment about the "GoldenRule of Tweeting: Tweet unto others as you'd have them tweet on to you") impact in the digital world
6.Digital Photography (Flickr, Photo Essay)
7. Online Social Netwoking--explore evaluate communication choices for pupose, appropriateness, and effectiveness of message development.
8. Youtube as a stage (videos that show elements of theatre production and performance, produce videos videos showing theatrical elements and techniques)

Need to check out:
photo cc turtlemom4bacon flickr
Students seem very engaged in these courses that have active learning built right in.

PS I metafacebooked in this session--welcome to the new e-existence of communication!

1 comment:

Less is More said...

Discipline will play a major role when anybody would like to apply for an elearning course.