Everytime I travel past Albertville I see a furniture store that cracks me up. I can't even tell you the name of the place but on the front of the building in big bold letters is their slogan--a sign that says "We Sell Amish". For awhile I thought somebody was just part way through putting it up and hadn't finished it. But time and time again I would drive by and everytime it said the same thing, "We Sell Amish." Nowhere have I seen anything so funny on a storefront.
Don't get me wrong, I've always known the Amish were good carpenters and no one would question whether Amish furniture is good quality. Everything they make is good. That's why all their stuff is in high demand. Everywhere you go stores have Amish furniture. So I don't blame the furniture store for wanting to promote this, I only blame them for their word choice.
So everytime we pass by this sign I think "I have to get a picture of that". But I've never been able to take the time to actually do it. "Next time," I tell myself, "next time I'll stop." But I never do. Well, on Wednesday I finally did. I've always wanted it and now I've got it. I've got the picture. Yeah!!!! Maybe I'll send it to Jay Leno for his headlines bit.
R: 3.5 miles (first time I ran with someone--thanks Ralph!)
Allness exercise
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