Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tomato time

Gorgeous day today. I'm glad I was able to get out and enjoy it a bit. I made healthy choices in my transportation today. Walked to get my hair cut, walked to Movie Gallery to return a movie, and in the afternoon biked to the grocery store to get some supplies for making freezer spaghetti sauce.

Tis the season for tomato harvesting. Since I've purchased the house I've had tomato plants. And every year, I end up having alot go to waste. So I really wanted to make a concerted effort to use them more this year. So far, I've been pretty successful. I've made BLT's for a few meals, made bruchetta a few times and had a family bonding experience with my mom and brother where we made a couple of gallons of salsa. The only problem there is that my very Scandinavian parents do not like spicey foods, so we had to make a very basic recipe that's more like a tomato salad than a salsa. But that's ok because I can just add my own spices to the batch I brought home. In fact, that's exactly what I did for lunch today--chips and tweaked-up salsa. And for supper? Pizza with homemade sauce. I have to admit it turned out pretty good.

So what have I discovered from all this? I've discovered that with some creativity and some time, I can do more with tomatoes. And it's been fun!

B: 4 miles 24 min W: 3 miles

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