Sunday, February 15, 2015

Kari's Golden Rules for Social Media

  1. Use Social Media Respectfully
  2. Remember you have communication choices so opt to take the higher
  3. Treat others how you’d want to be treated.
  4. Ask yourself if you are adding VALUE to the content or the discussion.
    Responses should be clarifying, supportive, and respectful.
  5. Don’t flame, troll or lurk. In other words, if you don’t have something
    nice to say, don’t say anything at all; don’t go fishing for trouble; don’t hover or sneak around. If you need to state your opinion do so using an “I-message”
  6. Role-model competent communication skills regardless of the social medium
  7. Remember the contextif in a text-based medium you will be without many of the nonverbal communication components that aid in message meaning. Try to be clear in what you say and do so in a manner that might not be mistaken or misinterpreted.
  8. Your words and actions online are a permanent record (what’s funny today might not be funny tomorrow. Is that how you’ll want to be viewed 10 years down the road?)
  9. What you put out there is a bigger reflection of you. You are what you be smart, be proactive, be responsible, be honest and act with the utmost integrity . 

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