Wednesday, July 13, 2011

FUSION 11 Social Media for Teaching and Learning

Tanya Joosten


Asked students, some results:
I want to feel connected.
Frequent communication with instructor
need to feel connected to learn
I don't use email (email as something you use to talk to "old people")
I do use social media A LOT (go to social networking sites 5 days per week and check in 4 times a day for a total of an hour per day. Nearly three-quarters (72%) of online 18-29 year olds use these sites. 45% was result for teens)
71% want to receive text messges (American teen sends and receives 50 or more messages per day or 1,500 per month).

Social Media:
Has to have a profile and need to have a list of connection which can be shared

People sharing;everybody and anybody can share anything anywhere. Status-leveling. (??)

Push communication to where students live.

Creating a course fan page is recommended over group (newsfeed). Using it to complement D2L not replace it. Put link in the Nav Bar.

Facebook is like a ladder (to send information or comment on) to connect to other communities (on and off campus)

Still getting a lot of information just from the headlines or quick view of other info being shared

Socionomics (Check to see if new video is the one linked in course) (Link Re-Tweeted)

Best Practices with Facebook:
Fan Page--you don't see their personal info and they don't see yours
Advise to choose an image that represents the class
Need to use it consitently (once every 2 weeks-not good) Best is 3-5 a week because you don't want to be overloaded/spammed with info.
Course announcements (no grades discussed or other private info)
Opt in (put course page in scavenger hunt during orientation)

Engagement, Learning, Presence
Students felt they were talking to a real prof, got to know "them" better, increased engagement,
Helped them manage time and stay organized

Facilitate interactivity and engagement
Expanding the classroom walls:experiential learning
Professional Development

Text message send to 4044 (assessment technique) with course Hashtag (called hex in Asia)

Network and Fellow colleagues

Social Media for educators (Joosten's book) Spring 2012
#edusocmedia, (edusocmedia)


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