Friday, September 17, 2010

CTAM Challenges Opportunities Teaching Small Group Online

Nan Johnson-Curiskis MN State University, Mankato

Assumption: Online, On campus--neither is better nor is one worse
Absolutely everything is ready 3 days before the class starts
They know what they have to do--theory for first half, project in small group last half
Alot of change that first week of drop add, not so much after that.

Melissa Landin, Inver Hills Community College

Two year college, not alot of students who are going to be a communication area. This is offered as Goal Area 1. (Interpersonal, Public Speaking and Small Group are the only classes for Goal Area 1).

Teaching online for about 6 years. "I don't believe every class needs to be online--Public Speaking for example" . It took about two years to find the software program that would allow them to literally see their group members. Group

They use Eluminate. Started with a free trial. Now they purchased a site license. Kind of like WebX but you can see 6 people via video. Students can meet in Small Group and can also go back and review their meeting after the fact.

Biggest headache: Students learning the technology. You need a good IT department to be able to help, prepare, walk students thru the technology and equipment needed.

Challenge: Students finding a time they can all meet as a group (small group)

Challenge: Have lost up to half of class --so group size and group dynamics effected--other students are effected.

Send out syllabus a week ahead--make sure they know what they are getting into. Allow people to drop during the theory part (first half) so that small groups and group dynamics aren't affected as much as if that groupwork started right away.

But the technology programs are out there now--so just need to be proactive up front.

Deepa Oommen, MN State University Mankato

Teaching group work was challenging F2F

So started doing the F2F class assignments online for group work (using Instant Messenger). Then she could see who contributed and who didn't.

Other notes:
Wikis. Demonstration video on youtbue on how to use wikis (cartoon version) PBworks (Peanut Butter Wikis) Free

Set group restrictions so you can see what's going on and only group members see their own work.

Two projects. (One is Group Analysis Paper on Survivor) (multi-media presentation wiki)

Picking a target group and then putting together a presentation for this target group (online meeting everyone attends for presentation

Adobe Connect can have more than 6 video views going.

Set up your tools. Use the frequently asked questions takes care of it. Tell them expectations upfront.

Have "threatened" that she might re-group: those not doing anything, those doing minimum, those that are making sure they are contributing.

Deepa--does grade on participation

Discussion is critical.

Online is not a correspondence class/independent study.

These particular teachers stay out, don't want their presence to effect the group development/analysis. Don't join the discussion (review afterwards).

Groups get one grade.

Still need to be "present" but not interfering with group discussion.

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