Monday, July 12, 2010

D2L-Flippin Video

Record student presentations
Distribute to students individually
Quizk turn around time

Flip videos
extremely easy to use, small, USB portable

Adobe Creative Suite 3 and 4
take it through a media converter (flash to be viewable for more people)FLV
Insert with Dreamweaver Cfeate html file
Wedat (content or discussion)

WhayAdobe media encoder?
converts most video formats to flash
flash video very platform neutral
part of adobe creative suite
queue up mltiple videos for conversion
Use webdav to bulk upload files

used to creaet simple html file with embedded video flv
part of adoe cerate suite
creates "wrapper" with player and controls

Realease conditions for indiviudals (or groups) video
can link with assessments i nd2l
can do feedbac

1. Record student presentations with Flip Camera
2. Convert videos to flv format with adobe media

3.Adobe media encoder
Drag files over to encoder Flash 8 and highter as the "preset" (keeps as default)
Start Quue
(Flash files are smaller)
Dreamweaver, insert flv (Skin 3)(auto rewind) (progressive download vdeo as video type)

Uploaded into d2l through webDAV (account manager, web support might have to set it up or turn it on)

Find URL for specific course (from tech support)
Find course offering path (copy it)
Go to my network places (goliath if on mac)
add a network place
choose another network address
Intenet or network address (from tech support with pasted address)

Go through all the passwords

Find file in manage files (just the flv file needs to linked to content)

TGhings to remember
most flip cams have recording time up to 1 hour
media encoder and dreamweer require liscenses

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