Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I am claiming the creation of a new word today...APOSTROPHOBIC.  I am an instructor at a community and technical college.  For years I've been watching the communication skills of our students decrease.  In part, I'm sure this has to do with modern advances in technology that take away from some students filter for seeing their own errors.  Maybe the automatic spellcheck is to blame, or perhaps texting which encourages shorthand and abbreviations. Whatever the cause, the case remains that more and more students are making basic communication errors in mediums that still have standard writing expectations.  I've received countless email that have not been proofed and have had numerous college assignments come into me with texting shorthand.  I am not alone.  My colleagues concur.

So just today, I was writing some notes for my online classes encouraging them to take a little extra time to make sure their communication was appropriate for the context--ah yes, by the way, I'm a COMMUNICATIONS instructor--and that they really needed to get into the habit of capitalizing an "I" when referring to one's self, and to double check their spelling before submitting an assignment. Finally I wanted to emphasize the importance of proper punctuation and the next thing I knew I was typing up "Don't be apostrphobic!".  "Humm...that's new," I thought.  "That's catchy."  That's APPROPRIATE!

I'm tired of seeing students write contractions without using an apostrophe.  I'm tired of seeing the lack of punctuation to show possession.  I'm tired of seeing compounded sentences lacking commas or periods.  But I'll get to that later. One thing at a time, if only f I can just get them not to be apostrophobic!

So, yes, I'm making up my own words but let's face it, you know what I'm talking about and doesn't it fit perfectly?  Keep in mind that if I was apostrophobic like many of my students, that last line would simply have been "so yes im making up my own words but lets face it you know what im talking about and doesnt it fit perfectly" And I just can't do it!

So please, encourage those you know not to be aprostrophobic and maybe, just maybe, we can fight the spread of apostrophobia. There! Now I've claimed two new words!

PS I googled "apostrophobic" and nothing came up.  However, "apostrophobia" did show up.  So the bad news is that I wasn't really the first to claim that word, but the good news is, I'm not alone in my thinking and that others are fighting this battle along side me. :)